Members began arriving at the work shed at  8.30 to 9.00 am.  

A series of works were planned for the day.

Cleaning Hole Layout and Tee Sponsor Signs

Lorraine Robb did a great job here, much work over the week preceding the Working Bee.

Scarifying the tees

Twig was straight into it.  He sorted out the scarifier and headed off to scarify all the tees.  Forget loading the machine into a trailer and driving between tees, it was a nice day for a walk.  A good crew of workers followed Twig around and raked the tees after he had finished scarifying.  Bob McL, Bruce Robb, Hugh and Kev all worked hard to get this done

Twig was a “man on a mission”.

Bob & Kev stopped raking long enough for a pic.

Checking Hazard and Distance markers

Again, Lorraine did a great job here.  Her task was made a little easier as Kath Jekabsons had been around the course a few months ago and repainted any of these markers that need a “touch-up”.

Safety Fence Behind the 3rd Green

Kev and Tony headed off to tackle this job.  The top wire was already in place and the outside posts were stayed back, putting up the top run of mesh was a bit tricky and it took a deal of time to get everything tight and in line.  It rapidly became apparent that we would need more mesh so there was about a 30 min wait outside the Hardware store who were opening at 10.00 am on the Grand Final Public Holiday.  Peter Scanlon turned up to offer assistance and sound advice as the second run was put in place and the ends trimmed and stapled.  The mesh was then clipped to the supporting wires.  A shorter, 3rd run of mesh, was added on the northerly end.  All in all a good effort that will help reduce the number of balls that fly into the neighbour’s yard.

The 1st run of mesh was a bit tricky.

Seeding and Top Dressing The Tees.

What a mob of wackers!  They certainly had a great time, loading the ute and cushman with sand, seeding and top-dressing the tees and then raking/smudging and levelling many of the tees.  A great effort from Freebie, Ron, Scotty and Rob Rea (Tony joined in for the last few tees).  A few more tees to be finished off during the coming week.

The cushman did a wonderful job

This mob really enjoyed their time.

Repairing and Repainting Tee Seats

Lorraine, Wendy and Kath took this task on and made sure that all seats were sanded back, undercoated and painted.  A great effort.

Morning Tea and Lunch 

Elaine again rose to the occasion with a sumptuous morning tea and a great lunch.  Everyone had a bit of a sit-down and a chat.

Everyone had all they needed.

Written by Romsey Golf Club

Romsey Golf Club (RGC) golf course has been at Romsey Park since 1922. We care for and improve the ~80% of Romsey Park that makes up the Golf Course. Currently we have twelve greens and 18 tees. The course ratings are; Blue Tees; Men - Par 72, ACR 72, Slope 124. Women - Par 76, ACR 77, Slope 129. Red Tees; Men - Par 70, ACR 68, Slope 114. Women - Par 71, ACR 73, Slope 119. Indigenous, native trees and bushes are planted to make the park/course more attractive to golfers, community members and native insects, birds, reptiles and small mammals, to provide shade and wind control and for carbon abatement. RGC is a totally volunteer run club. We hold mixed competitions on Wednesdays (9.00 am for 9.30 am hit-off) and on Saturdays (11.30 am for 12.00 pm hit-off). Competition fees are $10.00. Twilight golf runs every Friday (~4.00 pm on) between November and March; $5.00 for golf.