In 2018 members designed and built a 2nd sand bin.  Sadly it was not strong enough to cope with the constant pushing as the front end loader took sand and the rear wall moved well away from the vertical.  After discussions between Tony L, Bob McL, Freebie and Bruce R a repair and modification plan was devised.

1st – remove the iron on the rear wall then dig out and straighten the posts, two additional posts were added to strengthen the wall. Bob did most of this work with some late assistance from Tony. Sadly no pics.

2nd – put a brace in place and bolt to all vertical posts.  Tricky getting the horizontal pole in place and then marking and drilling holes in the posts and the brace, some packing required as not all posts were the same diameter.  Bruce and Tony held the fort and with a bit of manipulation managed to get the bolts lined up and in place.

3rd – stay the brace to provide additional strength.  One short brace had to be added to the nth side of the rear wall

4th – replace the iron and then see how it goes when we get the front end loader in there to shift the turf sand.

Written by Romsey Golf Club

Romsey Golf Club (RGC) golf course has been at Romsey Park since 1922. We care for and improve the ~80% of Romsey Park that makes up the Golf Course. Currently we have twelve greens and 18 tees. The course ratings are; Blue Tees; Men - Par 72, ACR 72, Slope 124. Women - Par 76, ACR 77, Slope 129. Red Tees; Men - Par 70, ACR 68, Slope 114. Women - Par 71, ACR 73, Slope 119. Indigenous, native trees and bushes are planted to make the park/course more attractive to golfers, community members and native insects, birds, reptiles and small mammals, to provide shade and wind control and for carbon abatement. RGC is a totally volunteer run club. We hold mixed competitions on Wednesdays (9.00 am for 9.30 am hit-off) and on Saturdays (11.30 am for 12.00 pm hit-off). Competition fees are $10.00. Twilight golf runs every Friday (~4.00 pm on) between November and March; $5.00 for golf.