Another perfect summer day on a course in great condition.  A running comp for Women’s Monthly Medal was held with the second day available the following Saturday. Kath Jekabsons is currently leading that Stroke event with her lovely round of nett 71.
In the daily comp Sherif played a great round, returning a nett 66 after losing two balls AND hitting out of bounds during the round.  Results of Daily Comp
1st       Sherif Abdel Sayed       95/29/66
2nd      Kath Jekabsons            111/40/71 C/B
3rd       Rod Golding                  103/32/71

Least putts      Steven Wilkins  (15) 27 putts

1st and 16th      Luke Lyons
NTP ( second shot )
1st                     Jenny Hartley
3rd and 15th    Lis Manktelow
16th                  Wendy Gosden and    Sherif Abdel Sayed