A perfect day for golf, course in top condition and just the barest wind from the S/SE. While there was some damage to a few greens the bulk of the corellas seem to have moved on, very unusual as they are often on Romsey Park until late March.  Edges of the fairway and large swathes of the rough clearly show the damage these birds can do.  Conditions saw some excellent golf played and it was just one bad hole that made the difference between winning or coming in the top three.  On a great day to be out on the course the results were;

1st; Mitch Atlas (7) – 38 pts

2nd; Scott Williams (17) – 36 pts C/B

3rd; Mick Squire (6) – 36 pts

NTPs; 15th – Mitch Atlas, Best 2nd shot 3rd – Mick Squire