After being washed out twice in 2022 we were finally able to core at the very beginning of March.  Luck was on our side as a great deal of sand had been mistakenly dropped in the car-park and the Romsey Sporting Association President, Rob McIntyre, told us if we could shift it we could have it.  A quick call to Cam Newnham and all was organised.  The sand was dropped beside the Red 11th tee and behind the 2nd green.  The team from Australian Turf Management arrived at 7.00am and were quickly into the job.  They had to change tools on a few greens, where we had turned the irrigation off but generally the morning proceeded well.  The sand proved to be almost perfect, free draining and quite happy to drop down into the core holes.

Sevi, Bruce and Hugh did spend a few days raking smaller stones off, piling them up on the side of the green and then using them to fill holes etc on the tracks.  A pain at the time but, looking back, really well worth the effort.  With our little front-end loader, “The Bulldog”, virtually destroyed in the fire of Sept ’22 we hired a Kubota tractor with bucket from Kyneton Hire.  It did a heap of work over the two days.

Lorraine continued her work repainiting and cleaning up the tee signage and distance markers.  She also made sure she got pics of all who worked,  that is all bar herself.

Scott spent most of the afternoon cutting squares  of Santa ana turf into bare spots on the 8th fairway

On the 2nd day the greens were again swept then seeded, fertilised and watered in.  The cores, which had been dropped at marked locations were pushed into these low spots, levelled off and compressed  Other loose soil was also moved to fill holes in other sections of the rough. 

Mal, Kev, Mitch, Tyler and Clive sorted the drain in the west side of the 6th green

Jenny and Wendy sorted out a few recalcitrant weeds

Loading the sand proved fairly straightforward

Sevi was everywhere, checking the sanding, helping with the weeding, organising the seed and fertiliser and painting the markers on the ends of the larger cross-overs.

Hugh, doing his best impersonation of Stan Laurel, cut a power of grass along the eastern drain

After weeding, Wendy found time to organise morning tea, magnificent cream kisses, and then lunch

The team from Australian Turf Management cored, picked up and sanded every green.  Great job boys.

Bruce, reliable as ever, charged up the rough mower and then headed out

Written by Romsey Golf Club

Romsey Golf Club (RGC) golf course has been at Romsey Park since 1922. We care for and improve the ~80% of Romsey Park that makes up the Golf Course. Currently we have twelve greens and 18 tees. The course ratings are; Blue Tees; Men - Par 72, ACR 72, Slope 124. Women - Par 76, ACR 77, Slope 129. Red Tees; Men - Par 70, ACR 68, Slope 114. Women - Par 71, ACR 73, Slope 119. Indigenous, native trees and bushes are planted to make the park/course more attractive to golfers, community members and native insects, birds, reptiles and small mammals, to provide shade and wind control and for carbon abatement. RGC is a totally volunteer run club. We hold mixed competitions on Wednesdays (9.00 am for 9.30 am hit-off) and on Saturdays (11.30 am for 12.00 pm hit-off). Competition fees are $10.00. Twilight golf runs every Friday (~4.00 pm on) between November and March; $5.00 for golf.