Saturday July 13th – Stroke

After a week of intermittent rain and a few sunny, yet cold afternoons the whole course was damp and soft, “relief, to a handspan across the course” was given.  Despite the tough conditions the fairways, surrounds and greens had held up reasonably well.  The round began in still, sunny conditions with a temperature of ~8C and a flukey wind from the Sth.  All players found the conditions challenging, even the low markers had seriously bad holes, some hitting well but somehow losing that little white ball.  In the end it came down to the players who could best recover from a bad position and then get “up and down” better than or close to par.  On a sunny, cold day the results were;

1st; Dean Kohler – 81/9/72

2nd; Dylan Harris – 81/8/73

3rd; Jim Patton – 90/14/76

NTPs; 16th – Dylan Harris, Longest Drive 7th – Dylan Harris

Wednesday July 10th – Stableford

The day was again very cold but after a few holes the sun came out and despite the damp course it was a very pleasant round.  The stableford competition was played on the new Yellow, Short Course and all in the field agreeing that it is a good alternative to the established Red and Blue courses and an asset to our club.  Obviously a much shorter course, which is reflected in a reduced handicap, it has its unique challenges and is a test of short game accuracy.
An enjoyable round was had by those who played and considering the recent rain the scoring was fairly good. Daily results  were;
1st; Kath Jekabsons (21) – 33 points
2nd; Steve Wilkins (6) – 32  pts
3rd; Jenny Hartley (12) – 31 pts

Our thanks to Trevor Turnham, John Freestone and Paul Green who are involved in making the Yellow Course tee markers.  Much appreciated gents.

Saturday July 6th – 4B Aggregate Stableford

Play began on another cold, largely overcast day.  While the course had held up very well to the ongoing cold, the numerous heavy dews and  frosts a few sections of fairway were very soft.  However, within the first few holes the sun came out, the wind stayed down and all of a sudden vests and jumpers were coming off.  While the temperature did not get above 8C it certainly felt warmer.  The 4B Aggregate Stableford format sees both player’s hole score added to provide a team score, individual  players also are handicapped on their own score.  The round saw most teams scoring well but one bad hole here and there was enough to pull their scores back.  It was great to welcome back Logan Colley for his second game at the club and his first card towards a handicap.  On a sunny, cold and still afternoon the results were;

1st; Anthony Lakey (24)/Logan Colley (54) – 80 pts

2nd; Dean Kohler (9)/Luke Lyons (9) – 70 pts

3rd; Simon Donovan (10)/Steve Wilkins (18) – 67 pts

NTPs; 15th – Dean Kohler, 16th – Luke Lyons, Best 2nd Shot 3rd – Anthony Lakey, Longest Drive 4th – Luke Lyons

Wednesday July 3rd – Stableford

A chilly start to Wednesday’s stableford round.  The best card returned was from Jenny Hartley from Steve Wilkins, who was out prior to the round getting ice off the greens.  On a very cold morning, under tough conditions, the results were;
1st; Jenny hartley (24) – 29 pts
2nd; Steve Wilkins (15) – 28 pts

Saturday June 29th – June Medal, stroke & putts

Players arrived at the rooms with steady drizzle falling and the temperature at 8C; it was going to be a tough day.  The cold air, consistent rain and soft fairways made golf more than challenging and only a few players got close to their handicaps.  It was great to have a chat with past captain, Tony Freeman, who dropped in on his way to Melbourne.   On a tough day to be out on the course the results were;

1st & June Medalist;  Steve Wilkins – 92/18/74

2nd; Davey Kenney – 87/12/75 C/B

3rd; Shaun Scales – 100/25/75

NTPs; 1st – Davey Kenney, 15th – Steve Wilkins, Longest Drive 4th – Mal; MOttram

Least Putts; Mal Mottram – 30

RGC June Medalist Steve Wilkins


Wednesday June 26th – Monthly Medal – Stroke & Putts.

It was a mostly cloudy morning with constant gusts of cold wind.  The fairways were relatively dry but occasionally players needed to mark and pick up their ball and wipe off some mud.  The greens were fast and true.  Hugh Williams and Rob McDonald had the best rounds for the day.  he day’s results were:
1st; Hugh Williams – 92/21/71
2nd; Rob McDonald – 88/15/73
3rd; Lorraine Robb – 122/43/79
Least putts; Rob McDonald – 26.
The women’s Monthly Medal is a running competition so the winner won’t be known until after competition on Saturday.

Saturday June 22nd – Stableford

Another cold,  clear early winter’s day.  Intermittent rain and heavy dews in recent weeks again saw some fairways very soft with balls plugging and picking up mud.  By mid afternoon the temperature managed to creep up to 8C and there was a mid 20Kph wind from the S/SW.  It proved to be  a round of two distinct halves.  Many players were able to put together an excellent nine-hole score but could not manage to play consistent golf over the whole 18.  In a very unusual performance one player was able to take out all three NTPs on the par 3s.  On a cold afternoon the results were;

1st; Simon Donovan an  (9) – 36 Pts C/B

2nd; Kevin Dunn (26) – 36 Pts

3rd; Mitch Atlas (6) – 35 Pts

NTPs; 1st, 15th & 16th – Simion Donovan.  Longest Drive 7th; Mick Squire


Wednesday 19th June – Stableford & the Women’s Silver Spoon Playoff.

There was an extremely heavy frost in the morning and, until the sun came out, the 3rd green was very challenging. Lots of ice was floating in the bottom dam. A couple of fairways had quite large areas that were rock hard, frozen grass and ground. However, there was hardly any wind and as the sun pooed through later in the morning it was very pleasant. The fairways, greens, surrounds and tees were all beautifully mown. A huge thank you to the volunteers for looking after the course so well.  The Day’s results were:
1st; Elaine Scanlon (33) – 31 pts.
2nd; Rob McDonald (15) – 28 pts c/b
3rd; Jenny Hartley (23) – 28pts.
Congratulations to Jenny Hartley for winning the Silver Spoon Playoff from Kath Jekabsons and Lis Manktelow.

Saturday June 15th – Stroke

It was a cold day as the field assembled for the club’s stroke round.  A wind, from the SSE, pushing into the high 20Kph kept everyone on their toes.  The recent rains, heavy dews and generally cold weather had made many fairways very heavy, virtually no run resulting in far longer approach shot than usual.  The greens and surrounds were again in top nick for this colder time of the year.  On a very cold, windy afternoon the results were;

1st; Toby Clement – 88/16/72

2nd; Steve Wilkins – 91/18/73 C/B

3rd; Dean Kohler – 82/9/73

NTPs; 1st – Toby Clement, 15th – Keith Hocking

Thursday June 13th – Avenel Salver

The Avenel Salver was played in ideal winter conditions. The chill in the air was offset by the fact that there was not a breath of wind all day. Although there were preferred lies on the fairways the course was in perfect condition and once players became accustomed to sweeping and scraping, and adjusting to the speed of the greens, putting was consistent.
A hot cup of soup as players passed the clubhouse was a welcome treat and very tasty. And once the round was over a lovely lunch was served and appreciated by all.
Winners of the Salver were a team from Seymour.
Of Romsey’s team, which included Elaine Scanlon, Jenny Hartley and Darlene Baker, Elaine returned the best score with 35 points, well done Elaine.