Wednesday February 28th- 2018 Flatstick Summer Cup Rd 4B – Monthly Medal – Stroke & Putts

The day’s extremely windy conditions made scoring a challenge. Players who were able to keep their ball on the fairway found a lot of summer run, in the rough however the ball pulled up very quickly. The parts of the greens that are undamaged were in excellent condition.  Congratulations to Jenny Hartley winner of this month’s Monthly Medal scoring a very good 70 net.
Winner and February Medalist; Jenny Hartley – 97/27/70 from Wendy Gosden – 108/33/75, Beryl Cole – 103/25/78, Darlene Baker – 96/17/79 CB from Pam Drummond – 113/34/79
Nine-Hole Winner; Leila Beasley
Least Putts; Beryl Cole – 28 putts

Saturday February 24th – 2018 Flatstick Summer Cup Rd 4A – February Medal – Stroke & Putts

The February Medal field teed off under cloudy skies with a steady north-westerly wind.  The early holes saw a number of golfers playing very erratic golf but everyone soon settled down and took advantage of the tail wind on some holes and the extra run on the hard fairways.  During the round the wind moved to the west and then the south-west meaning approach shots often blew up and landed well short of their intended target.  The lush surrounds around the green made for excellent chip shots assisting numerous players to save par on many holes.  As the holes began to run out three players looked to have a chance for the February Medal, however, the day belonged to only one.  He played wonderfully consistently golf carding the best round of his golfing life to easily “walk away with the chocolates”.  On a windy, sultry day the results were;

Winner & February Medalist; Mick Nicholls Jnr – 77/17/60 from Hugh Drummond – 93/22/71 & John Freestone – 93/22/71

NTPs; 1st – John Freestone, 15th & 16th – Mick Nicholls Jnr

Least Putts; Jim Patton – 28

Friday February 23rd – Titan of Twilight

The official 2017/18 Twilight Golf program has now finished.

The final round saw Shannon Wright again play some tremendous golf to come home with 20 points from Jenny Hartley on a C/B from Toby Clements – 18pts.  John Freestone picked up the only NTP – 8th.

The 2017/18 “Titan of Twilight” is John Freestone with 18 Titan Pts from Bruce Robb – 14 Titan pts and Mick Nicholls Jnr on a C/B from Scott Williams – 12 Titan pts.

Congratulations on a great effort from organiser, club secretary Elaine Scanlon, all those who assisted behind the table, on the bar or in the kitchen and all the golfers who took part in the competition.

Due to public demand the competition twilight golf will continue for the next two Fridays; March 2nd and 9th.

Thursday February 22nd – Alexandra Women’s Bowl

Beryl Cole and Wendy Gosden travelled to Alexandra for their annual tournament.  Weather was perfect with no wind and a little cloud cover.  The course was dry with a lot of run.  The greens were receptive to well played approach shots.

Winner of the Open Scratch was Gail Leigh (Marysville G. C.) after a playoff with Cheryl Anderson (Kilmore G. C.)

Elizabeth Goss (Alexandra G. C.) was the C Grade winner, she is aged 90 years!!

Wendy who was runner up in C grade 105/36/69 on a count back form Beryl 96/27/69.   Beryl was very excited after a wonderful drive on the Par 3, 5th hole for a birdie but she was knocked off for the NTP.  Both Romsey women received Dalhousie Player Of The Year points; Wendy 5 and Beryl 4.

Wednesday February 21st – 2018 Flatstick Roofing Summer Cup – Rd 3B – Stableford

Both a 9 hole and 18 hole comp was played in the Stableford format.  The weather was near perfect after the strong wind  abated quickly and became a gentle breeze. Cloud cover kept the hot sun away and players enjoyed a pleasant round.
There continued to be preferred lies on the fairway being played because of bare patches but often the lie was good. There were three flocks of Corellas on the course and sadly they continue to damage the greens by digging large, deep holes on the putting surface.

After the round players enjoyed a shared lunch, with a glass of champagne, to celebrate the recent Hidden Valley Bowl win by Pam Drummond, Jenny Hartley and Darlene Baker. We were joined in this celebration by two of our Life Members, Helene Newnham and Leila Beasley.  All present reminisced about previous bowl wins and toasted this most recent one .

Results for the day ;

18 Hole Comp Winner; Pam Drummond  (36) – 41 points from Jenny Hartley (27) – 33 pts and Wendy Gosden (34) – 32 pts,

9 Hole Comp Winner; Jan Harver (45) – 19 pts from Leila Beasley (40) – 16 pts

Sunday February 18th – Relay For Life Charity Golf Day

Seventeen teams lined up in the Romsey Golf Club/Puddle’s Team annual Charity Golf Day, proceeds to the 2018 Lancefield/Macedon Ranges Relay For Life.  Club members had been out on the course early in the morning repairing the damaged greens but as soon as they moved on the corellas descended to continue wreaking havoc.  Players assembled and there were plenty of good natured challenges in the room before hit-off; one really stuck with two teams agreeing to donate $250 to either “Puddles Team” or “The Lindenbury Lappers” depending on their performance on the day.  With team names such as “The Rough Boys” (did spend a deal of time in the rough!) “Old Laing Syne”, “Romsey Redhacks”, Boyco’s Bandits” and “Nearly Dunn” it was always going to be a fun day.

A shotgun start at 10.00 am had everyone out on the park and the course soon echoed with  shouts of joy as birdie putts dropped or groans of despair as shots stopped just short of the cup.  Soon the pressure mounted, each player had to record the required number of drives, and there were some very unusual “best drives” over the final few holes.  Amazingly, the shotgun start had the two top teams passing each other over their final hole.  One had to par and one had to birdie to stay even.  It was high pressure golf!  Soon enough it was all over and every one was heading back to the rooms or a relaxed lunch, a quiet drink and a chat as the cards were checked and scored.

As the scores were posted there was a late protest from members of Boyco’s Bandits and  respected local negotiator and counsellor, Dave Bentley Esq., was called upon to hear the evidence.  After due consideration Mr Bentley ruled that the protest had no grounds.

RGC president, Anthony Lakey thanked the members of RGC who had worked so hard to prepare the course, organise registrations and work the bar, the members of Puddles Team for their sterling work preparing and serving the food, Nick and all the team at Romsey Hardware who had supported the day and donated all the prizes and, finally, all the day’s players and visitors who had made the effort to organise a team and play in the event.

RGC captain, Scott Williams had the challenging job of choosing the Best team Uniform and while there were a few good efforts from “The Rough Boys” and “The Blues Brothers” it was a tight battle between “Cannonballs (Lederhosen – an interesting choice on such a warn, still day) and eventual winners “The Flatstickers”

The day’s results were;

Winners; The Flatstickers – Andrew Clement/Shannon Wright/Toby Clement/Connor Whelan – 39/4.63/34.37

from Boyco’s Bandits –Interloper/ Mick Nicholls Jnr/Mitchell Clement /John Boyce/Daniel Wright/- 41/6.13/34.88

Best team Uniform; The Flatstickers

NTPs; 1st – Chris Lingard, 8th – Toby Clement, 9th – Andrew Laing & 10th – Darren Newnham & Lorraine Robb.

It was a very successful day; everyone enjoyed the golf and catching up with friends and over $2,000.00 was raised for  cancer research.

Saturday February 17th – 2018 Flatstick Roofing Summer Cup Rd 3A – Stableford

Another strong field headed out for the 1st half of Rd three of the 2018 Summer Cup.  A good sign for the round came when the 1st shot of the day rolled gently onto the 1st green and all players in that group parred the hole.  During the day an intermittent wind blew up from the south-west, this made for difficult approach shots on the east/west holes but assisted some players moving their balls away from the OOB.  The greens were still showing signs of last week’s lack of water and had inconsistent speed but they generally putted very true.  While conditions were reasonably good for golf almost all players found it difficult to post a good score however there was one exception.  After 13 holes this player was two under the card and racking up stableford point.  Only two other platers were able to play at or slightly above their handicaps.  On a   bright, sunny dat the results were;

Winner; Shannon Wright (14) – 47 pts from Darlene baker (18) – 37 pts & Bob McLennan (120 – 36 pts

NTPs; 1st – Dave Richardson, 15th – Ron Walker & 16th – Neil Monro

Thursday February 15th – Hidden Valley Bowl

Three members of the Romsey Golf Club ventured over to Hidden Valley to play in the annual Ladies Bowl. There were teams from 12 Dalhousie Clubs and 4 from other districts with a total of 57 players on the day.

Teams of three competed in a Stableford event and the combined scores of all three players were tallied to determine a team winner. In order to win a Bowl all three players must score well on the day. The Romsey team of Pam Drummond, Jenny Hartley and Darlene Baker managed to combine well to win the event with a combined winning score of 100 points, congratulations ladies on a great day out.

Winners are grinners, Jenny, Darlene & Pam.

Wednesday February 14th – Flatstick Roofing Summer Cup – Rd 2B – Stroke

Players headed to the tees under clear skies but with strong, gusting winds from the north/north-west, the second round of the Flagstick Summer Cup was held in extreme conditions. Despite the drying fairways any summer run was often negated somewhat when hitting into the wind as the ball was often held up in the air however witting with the wind saw numerous players “through the corner” and with a difficult return shot over the trees.  Holes that had a crosswind were treacherous with many balls being swept wayward making it difficult to score well.   Finally the wind died down and the last three holes were played under much quieter conditions.  Results for the day were;

Winner; Darlene Baker – 91/18/73 from Beryl Cole – 103/26/77, Wendy Gosden – 112/34/78, Kath Jekabsons – 106/28/78, Jenny Hartley – 106/28/78 & Lorraine Robb – 117/34/83

Saturday February 10th – 2018 Flatstick Roofing Summer Cup Rd 2A – Stroke

A strong field took to the course for the first half of Rd Two of the Flatstick Roofing Summer Cup.  With strong winds and some rain predicted the afternoon looked to be more challenging than usual.  A week of irrigation supply problems and the close attention by the corellas saw all greens negatively effected but players were able to negotiate these problems.  As the round wore on the rain fell and a strong wind blew uni from the north/north-west, this played havoc with many shots, especially on the par threes.  The wind seemed to drive the corellas into a frenzy with large groups moving around the course or settling on a fairway, only very close proximity of a golfer or buggy moved the birds on.  Despite the conditions a number of golfers rose to the occasion and returned excellent scores.  On a quid and winds afternoon the scores were;

Winner; Chris vanDerVliet – 94/25/69 from John Laing – 98/28/70 & John Freestone – 94/22/72

Women’s Winner; Darlene V]Baker – 88/19/69

NTPs; 15th – John Freestone