Wednesday September 25th- Monthly Medal – Stroke

A small, but enthusiastic field took to the course for the monthly medal.  Conditions were excellent, largely a still day with generally clear skies.  On occasion the clouds rolled in but the weather stayed fine.  The course continues to dry out and improve every week.  The greens were great, consistent speed and very true.   On a lovely, spring day the results were;

Jenny Hartley was again the medal winner;  98/22/76 from Wendy Gosden & 111/28/83 & Kath Jekabsons 112/29/83.

Thursday September 19th – Euroa Bowl

74 Players from Dalhousie and North East Districts enjoyed a well presented course today.
Seymour Club was the Bowl winner with a total of 100 stableford points Pam Jarvis (27) 39 points, Di Byrne 30 points and Ricky Rickman (14) 31 points.
Romsey was represented by Darlene Baker, Kath Jekabsons and Elaine Scanlon with a total 83 points.
Individual winners on the day
A Grade Chris Doherty (19) 35points from Trentham
B grade Di Elliott (26) 35 points from Yea
C grade Jillian Chandler (28) 37 points
C grade runner up Elaine (29) 34 points
NTP Elaine on the 8th
Player of the Year Points Pam 5, Jillian 4, Chris D 3, Di 2, Elaine 1 point

Wednesday September 18th – Par

A beaut day for golf with lovely spring weather. The course is great but that wasn’t really reflected in the overall scores.
Playing a round of Par the results were
1st      Jenny Hartley      -4   (22)
2nd     Darlene Baker     -6   (19)
3rd      Wendy Gosden   -9   (27)

Saturday September 14th – Medal – Stroke & Putts & Final W. E. Tom 4BBB

The good weather that arrived mid morning on Thursday continued for the remainder of the week and the large September Medal field took to the course on a still, sunny afternoon, conditions looked good for the lower markers.  The fairways were still a little soft so virtually no run, distance in the air was again very important. The day also saw the final of the club’s oldest shield (1965) The W. E. Tom 4BBB.  A steady breeze blew up from the SE and then moved to the west but this had little or no effect on the golf.  The Medal field found going to be tough.  A few players has disastrous starts; it was always going to be hard to get back, others seemed surprised by the excellent conditions and could not summon their best golf.  One, occasional player, had a blinder to easily take out the September Medal

The W. E. Tom final  was close all day with neither team getting more that one up for the whole round.  In the end the final hinged on a missed putt, an eagle that lipped out and an excellently played long par 3. On a beautiful early spring day the results were;

Winner and September Medalist; Toby Clement – 95/33/62 from Jim Patton – 93/20/73 & Keith Hocking – 105/29/76

NTPs; 1st – Mal Mottram &b16th – Jim Patton

Least Putts; 27 – Mick Squire C/B from Andrew Clement

2019 September Medalist Toby Clement

W. E. Tom Final

Scott Williams (12)/Chris vanDerVliet (24) D Daniel Wright (0)/Anthony Lakey (16) – 1up

2019 W. E. Tom Winners Scott Williams, RGC VP Kev Dunn & Chris vanDerVliet

Thursday September 12th – 2019 Romsey Women’s Open Tournament

The day dawned with a freezing, north-westerly wind and overcast skies, this did not augur well for the club’s first women’s stroke tournament. Players assembled in the rooms with many keeping a wary eye on the weather.  By 9.30 the day looked a little better, the sun was beginning to break through, the clouds were moving on and the wind was slowly quietening down.  Once out on the course the field found the fairways well covered but a little soft and there was some casual water around a few greens, “relief, too a hand-span” was given.  The greens were quite damp so putting required real commitment or players risked ending up well short of the cup. Length in the air and accuracy around the greens was vital.  It was going to be a tough day to card a good score.

RGC was very pleased to join with the Bendigo Bank who sponsored the club’s inaugural women’s stroke event.  The bank was represented by Ken Allender who spoke about the Bendigo Bank’s willingness to support women in sport and their wish to be a long term sponsor of RGC Women’s Stroke event. 14 clubs from Dalhousie and surrounding districts were represented.  On a surprisingly clear and warm day, after a few very challenging holes, the results were;

2019 Romsey Women’s Open Champion – Jenny Vennel (Lancefield) – 90

with tournament Co-ordinator Darlene Baker and Ken Allender (Bendigo Bank)

A Grade Stroke; Marg Fahey (Alexandra) – 92

A Grade Handicap; Lisa Caines (Broadford) – 98/19/79

B Grade Stroke; Saowapa McDowell (Growling Frog) – 103

B Grade Handicap; Jill Banon – 105/23/82

C Grade Winner; Bev Bellman (Marysville) – 30 pts

C Grade Runner-up; Wendy Caramarco (Goonawarra) – 24 pts

NTPs; 3rd – Sandy Wicking (Kilmore), 15th – Jillian Chandler (Marysville)

2nd shot 16th; Marg Fahey

Wednesday September 11th – 9-Hole Foursomes

Captain Lorraine Robb continued her winning ways by combining with Darlene Baker to win the Foursomes event, edging out Wendy Gosden and her partner Jenny Hartley. In order to allow time to prepare for our upcoming Tournament the round was reduced to 9 holes.
It was a perfect spring day, ideal for golf and the course was in great condition. Apart from some casual water from the recent rain the fairways have a good cover of grass and greens are looking really great.
1st        Lorraine Robb/ Darlene Baker   55/13/42
2nd      Wendy Gosden/ Jenny Hartley 57/12/45

Monday September 9th – Royal Women’s Hospital – 4BBB – Kilmore G. C

The Royal Women’s Hospital DDGA 4BBB playoff was held at Kilmore Golf Club in particularly wintry conditions with bitter winds whipping across the course and bouts of heavy rain making the going very tough. Kath Jekabsons/Lorraine Robb and Elaine Scanlon/ Wendy Gosden represented RGC in the Dalhousie final   Darlene Baker/Jenny Hartley also contested the DDGA 4BBB as non qualifiers.
Top two teams to qualify for the state final; Jill Banon/ Bron Gunn (Kilmore) – 34 points & Helen Clancy/ Cheryle Andersen (Kilmore) – 33 points C/B from Lorraine Robb/Kath Jekabsons (RGC). Both teams will contest the Final at Southern Golf Club in October.
A Grade winners; Jenny/Darlene – 35 points

B Grade winners; Lorraine/Kath – 33 points.

Saturday September 7th – Semi-finals W. E. Tom 4BBB & Stableford

Again, warm, sunny days at the beginning of the week promoted good growth across the whole of Romsey Park keeping the club’s mowers very busy however, rain on Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning saw everything soften up.  That, combined with the cold air and a wind moving between the west and the south, meant only the longest hitters were able to get any where near normal distance off the tee.  The sun shone brightly as players headed to the tee but this was short lived with steady drizzle for the first few holes.  The weather cleared but the cold wind stuck around making for very challenging conditions.  The W. E. Tom Semi-finals, match-play, were contrasting affairs.  In the first match, Daniel Wright played virtually a lone hand.  His length off the tee and ability around the greens seemed unaffected by the conditions.  The second match was far closer over the first 11 holes but a few birdies from one and some pars from another soon saw the match wrapped up.  The stableford field had a hard run, playing after the W. E. Tom groups meant they copped the worst of the conditions at the beginning and the end of the day; steady drizzle and freezing wind; it was extremely difficult to post a good score.  On a very “tough day at the office” the results were;

Winner; Mal Mottram (10) – 29 pts from Sherif Abdel-Sayed (25) C/B from Jin Patton (20) – 25 pts

NTPs; 16th – Daniel Wright

W. E. Tom Semi-finals

Daniel Wright (0)/Anthony Lakey (16) D John Laing (25)/Andrew Laing (17) – 7/5

Scott Williams (2)/Chris van DerVliet (14) D Pat Chisholm (0)/Mick Nicholls Jnr (3) – 5/4

W. E. Tom Final  (Sat 15th Sept)

Daniel Wright (0)/Anthony Lakey (16) Vs Scott Williams(12)/Chris vanDerVliet (24)


Wednesday September 4th – Stableford

It was a perfect day for golf, bright sunshine and nary a breath of wind. The course looked a picture with golden daffodils everywhere, fairways a bright green and the greens really beginning to sparkle (possibly the dew had something to do with that). Rain earlier in the week had re-softened the fairways; all balls picked up mud and there was virtually no forward progress once a ball landed.  Good scoring was extremely difficult.  Our volunteers were again working hard trimming branches from a cherry picker the club had hired.  On a beautiful early spring morning the results were;

Winner; Jenny Hartley (21) – 27pts from Wendy Gosden (27) – 22pts.

Tuesday September 3rd – Trentham Plate

On a lovely, sunny, spring day Lorraine Robb, Jenny Hartley and Wendy Gosden represented RGC at the Trentham Plate.  A field of 52 teed-up on a course that was in great condition although many found the greens very slick.

The Seymour GC team won the day with a score of 85 pts.