Saturday August 3rd – Stableford (G4aC)

Another cold winter’s day with  very heavy fairways and an intermittent breeze moving between the south and the west.  Golfers faced a challenging afternoon.  While the fairways were lush and looking very good after being mown, very few balls moved forward once they landed; some players found drives deeply plugged in the fairways. The greens were surprisingly fast with numerous putts sliding well passed the cup.  It was a difficult day where putting a string of good holes together was a rarity. To top it off a steady drizzle fell for the final few holes making a warm snack in the clubrooms a very appealing idea.  It was great to welcome back young golfer Ned Evans for his first round since much earlier in the year and the club was able to raise $90.00 for the Drummond Golf Cancer Research fund.  On a chilly, winter’s day there results were;

Winner; Anthony Lakey (20) – 36 pts from Michael Squire (5) – 31 pts Chris vanDerVliet (27) 31 pts & Keith Hocking (29) – 30 pts

NTPs; 15th – Mick Nicholls Jnr

Wednesday July 31st – Monthly Medal – Stroke & Putts

The July Medal was played in cool but sunny conditions. Due to the heavy course and cold air good length drives were at a premium.  Golfers also found many approach shots falling short with virtually no froward movement after landing.  Despite the recent rains and continual heavy dews the greens were in top nick and putted very true.  On a chilly morning the results were;

Winner & July Medalist; Jenny Hartley – 109/21/88 from Kath Jekabsons – 122/29/93 & Wendy Gosden – 122/27/96
Least Putts; Kath Jekabsons – 31

Saturday July 27th – July Medal – Stroke & Putts & Play-9

Another ~10mm of rain during the week saw a wet course just that little bit wetter, this with the cold air and a breeze that moved from  NE to N made for a difficult day on the Park.  A strong field teed off happy to take on the conditions and looking forward to a challenging round of golf. It soon became clear that players had to be “spot on” with their club selection or risk balls “dropping and stopping: well short of the intended landing zone.  Despite the conditions, “occasional golfer” Daniel Wright seemed to have few problems.  His front nine squared the card and some amazing recovery shots on the back nine saw him do the same coming in with a 72 off the stick.  Others, with less godly skills, had  more up and down rounds.  However, two of the club’s much loved veterans played, under the conditions, admirable golf.  On a very cold afternoon on a wet course the day’s results were;

Winner; Daniel Wright – 72/3/69

July Medalist; Les Gaunt – 81/7/74 from Bob McLennan – 90/13/77

NTPs; 1st – Mick Squire, 15th – Hugh Drummond & 16th – Andrew Laing

Least Putts; John Laing – 25

RGC Play-9 Representatives; Chris vanDerVliet – 36.5 & Mick Squire – 37.5

Wednesday July 24th – 4BBB Stableford

The course, with well grassed fairways and nicely presented greens, was a pleasure to play on in the 4BBB. The weather was crisp and clear and a heavy dew clung to the grass for most of the round. The cold air saw most drives drop short and the soft fairways meant mud on the ball after almost every shot.  Those few who played straight and were able to hit long scored well for their team but the conditions made it difficult to play consistent golf and post a good score. Competition was close with a count back required to separate the top two teams. The morning’s results were;

Winners; Bruce Robb/Hugh Williams – 31 pts c/b from Kath Jekabsons/Darlene Baker & Jenny Hartley/Wendy Gosden- 27pts

Saturday July 20th – 4B Multiplier Stableford

Players headed to the tee on another cold, windy afternoon.  The 4B Multiplier format saw teams of two looking to capitalise on each other’s performance.  If both players pared a hole then the team picked up quite a score but if one pared and the other wiped then a team score was zero.  The wind, predominately from the nth, did occasionally swing around to the west causing problems for all golfers.  The par threes were especially challenging and only one golfer was able to hit one of these greens.  Strangely enough most played found the gusting wind effected their shots on the greens more than higher approach shots.  As the cards hit the table it was obvious that the day had been more than challenging, that was until the final group of four came it.  It was obviously a case of “quality will out”.  Regardless of team scores only one player was able to play to his handicap.  On a more than challenging day  go the park the results were;

Winners; Les Gaunt (7)/Mitch Atlas (12) – 63 pts from Mick Nicholls Jnr (16)/pat Chisholm (13) – 46 pts

Individual; Mitch Atlas (12) – 36 pts

NTPs; 15th – Les Gaunt


Wednesday July 17th – Stableford

With the temperature hovering around 5°C, a slow steady drizzly and low ominous clouds it was decided to cancel the Stableford round.

Saturday July 13th – Stableford

More rain during week saw the course again soft with plenty heavy growth on the fairways.  One large, dead pine on the 3rd had been trimmed of all its higher branches so less likely to come down in a strong wind but there was a great deal of disturbance where the workers and their machinery had been.  Plenty of large logs that, we were assured, will be taken away once they have “dried out”.  Players teed of with a strong, gusting wind from the nth.  Within 20 minutes the wind had strengthened and swung around to the south.  For the remainder of the afternoon it switched between south and west causing numerous problems for all golfers and seeing balls already in the air move suddenly; par 3s were more than usually challenging.    The wind even effected the greens with many putts being blown wide of the cup, as is usual with golf, none were blown into the cup!.  One real positive was that, despite the horrible predictions of 7C with rain and sleet the afternoon was mostly clear and, provided players had dressed in layers, reasonably warm.  Once the sun dropped behind the taller trees the temperature fell and everyone was very happy to get to the warm rooms for a quiet chat and a relaxing drink.  Conditions were such that anyone who could play near their handicap had a good day.  On a cold, windy, sunny afternoon the results were

Winner; Anthony Lakey (20 ) – 34 pts from Chris vanDerVliet (26) – 33 pts

NTP; 15th – Les Gaunt;

Wednesday July 10 – Silver Spoon Final – Stroke & Putts

The final of the Silver Spoon was held in gale force, northerly winds that gusted throughout the round. When faced with a cross wind golfers struggled to keep the ball on the fairway such was the force of the wind.
On a very chilly day victory went to Jenny Hartley who will now represent Romsey Golf Club in the finals of the Silver Spoon. Kath Jekabsons was runner up in the event and Wendy Gosden was third on the day.

Saturday July 6th – Monthly Medal (June)

With the last Saturday of June washed out the previous week a good field turned out to see just who could take home June medal.  The heavy rain meant that it had been too wet to be cut grass anywhere bar the greens so players had to contend with some “rough like” conditions on the fairways.  The longer grass and soft ground robbed all players of distance.  A little surprising, and catching many players out, was the fact that the greens were generally firm and quite fast.  The day was clear and  sunny with 20 – 25Kph winds from the NE.  Despite the tough conditions a number of players were able to hold their calm and post reasonably good scores.  On a beautiful mid-winter’s day the results were;

Winner & June Medalist; Rob Rea – 92/17/75 from Mick Squire – 81/5/76 & Bob McLennan – 88/13/76

NTPs; 15th – Hugh Drummond & 16th –  Mick Nicholls Snr

Least Putts; Kev Dunn – 24

Saturday June 29th – June Medal – Stroke & Putts

Heavy rain, beginning in the early hours and continuing for most of the day, saw not one drive, approach, pitch, chip or a putt played.  Congratulations to the Romsey netballers and footballers who played their matches under very trying conditions.  Approximately 65mm of rain was recorded in Romsey for the 24 hrs

The June Medal (Inc Play-9) will now be played on Saturday July 6th