Thursday February 18th – Summer Cup Rd 3A – Stableford

With the lifting of the most recent Covid-19 lockdown restrictions at midnight on Wednesday it was decided to play the week’s round on Thursday. Near perfect conditions for golf prevailed with players enjoying their chance to get onto the course.  Stableford was played for the Running Comp, 3rd Round Summer Cup with the results as follows-

1st;  Jenny Hartley (24) – 35 points
2nd;  Sherif Abdel Sayed (22) – 34
3rd;  Rob Slade (18) – 32   c/b  Steve Wilkins (14) – 32

9 Hole Comp Winner; Jan Harver.

Wednesday February 10th – Stroke & 1st Rd. Silver Spoon

A brilliant day for golf dished up some brilliance off the stick as 16 members took to the course.    Beryl Cole chipped in for a birdie on the 1st soon to be followed by Lorraine Robb chipping in on the 4th, well done to both.  Lorraine had a great round which saw her score Nett 68 but alas, she was pipped at the post. Wendy Gosden played her best round ever to have 91 strokes off the stick to finish with Nett 63, a fantastic effort !   Great round Wendy.
Results of the Stroke Round / 1st Round of Silver Spoon (running comp)

1st; Wendy Gosden. – 91/28/63
2nd; Lorraine Robb. – 111/43/68
3rd; Lis Manktelow. – 98/25/73

Least Putts; Beryl Cole – 28

Saturday February 6th – Rd 1B Summer Cup – Par

Play began in overcast conditions with some drizzle, the drizzle strengthened and umbrellas came out for the first six holes. Very uncomfortable golf, but eventually the sun broke through and everyone dried out.  The golf was a little like the weather, fairly ordinary at the start but steadily improving as the afternoon wore on.  No-one could complain about the fairways or greens however, there were a few of the perennials comments about the putts that just lipped out or that hit the flag pole and bounced back, a bit like a fishing trip.  Despite the better conditions over the final 12 holes only one player was able to better his handicap.  On cool, overcast afternoon the results were;

Winner; Davey Kenney (18) +5 from Sherif Abdel Sayed (26) Sq, Mal Mottram (9) -2 & Mick Squire (3) -2

NTPs; 1st Mick Squire


Wednesday February 3rd – Rd 1A, 2021 Summer Cup – Par

After seeking approval from Jane Jones, the RGC committee agreed to recognise long term member and multiple Club Champion Dean Jones, with the 2021 Summer Cup dedicated in his memory.  Another chilly start to the day ended as a perfectly still summer’s day that was ideal for golf.  A field of 15 took to our lovely course, some of whom played 18 holes and some who chose to have a leisurely social hit.  A warm welcome back to Colleen and Jan who had their first Wednesday hit for the year. Highlights of the round included Wendy’s excellent chip in on the 6th from 60 metres out and another chip in on the 4th by Jenny, well done.      Jenny played consistent golf to be the only golfer with a positive score in the round of Par.
1st; Jenny Hartley (24)  +3
2nd; John Laing (24)  -3    c/b
3rd; Kath Jekabsons (37)  -3    c/b
4th; Darlene Baker     (17)  -3

Saturday January 30th – Monthly Medal, Stroke & Putts

With rain  predicted on Thursday to be followed by a very heavy downpour for most of Friday both greens and surrounds were cut on Thursday afternoon however only a few of the fairways were mown.  Over 50mm fell; there was water in the top dam, the bottom dam was almost full and a few fairways had casual water.  However, the recent drainage works did a great job moving a great deal of the water off Romsey Park.  Looking on the bright side, the couch would be loving this additional water but golfers were going it find it a little tougher than over the last few weeks.  Despite the softer fairways, with their longer grass and the odd spot of surface water a number of golfers were able to play to or better than their handicaps.  On a still, sunny afternoon the results were;

Winner and January Medalist; Davey Kenney – 87/19/68 from Mick Squire – 74/4/70, Rob Slade – 94/23/71 & Mal Mottram – 80/9/71

NTP; 15th – Mick Squire

Leat Putts; Steve Wilkins – 23

Wednesday January 27th – Stroke

A howling, southerly wind that swirled and ebbed greeted golfers on the first tee and persisted for the entire round. Tee shots had to be accurate and take into account the effects of the wind. The recent rain has softened the fairways somewhat and golfers who attacked the greens were well rewarded.   The day’s results were;
1st; Jenny Hartley – 98/24/74   c/b
2nd; John Laing – 98/24/74
3rd; Darlene Baker – 93/17/76

Tuesday January 26th – DDGA 4BBB – Seymour G. C.

The Dalhousie District Golf Association made a welcome return to tournament golf with a Men’s and Women’s Pairs 4BBB held at the Seymour Golf Club.   Due to covid restrictions the field was limited to 100 and this was filled prior to the day which was pleasing for the organisers.  It was great to see so many familiar faces from other clubs and a treat to be back playing after the interruptions in 2020.  The course was in great condition with heavy overnight rain softening up the greens and making for a pleasant day. A light lunch was served after the round consisting of pre- made and packaged salad rolls and fruit cake which was eaten outside in a covid safe environment.

RGC was well represented with two women’s and two men’s teams ( Darlene/Wendy, Kath/Jenny, Michael S/John F, Steve W/Shannon W) and Elaine played with DDGA Pres Sue McCall.  Best of the Romsey contingent were Micheal Squires(3)/John Firestone (21) with 43 Stableford points.  Kath Jekabsons hit a great shot to win nearest the pin on the 6th.

Winners on the day were;
Men; Gary Wright(9)/Paul Cox (25) – 48pts (Seymour)
Women; Pam Jarvis (22)/Liz Gee (32) – 42pts (3way count-back, Seymour)

Saturday January 23rd – Stableford

Players teed off at 10.30am on a still, dry day with the promise of afternoon temperatures rising well above 30º.  The fairways still had excellent cover but recently t hot, dry weather had seen them harden so all players gained distance off the tee.  While most balls bounced true and reasonably straight there was still the occasional erratic bounce when a ball landed in a damaged area, often reminding us of Shane Warne’s “Ball of the Century”.  As players moved around the course the temperature crept up to the low 30º but by the time it made it to 34º everyone was back in the rooms.  On a still, very sunny day the results were;

Winner; Sherif Abdel-Sayed (27) – 38pts CB from Scott Williams (16) and Mick  Squire (5)

NTPs; 1st – Mick Nicholls Snr, 15th – Keith Hocking

Wednesday January 20th – Stableford

With the weather perfect for golf 15 players took advantage of a course in great condition to play a Stableford round .   There was a good amount of run on the fairways although still a solid cover of grass and the greens were playing nicely.
Darlene Baker continued her form from the previous week, the highlight of which was a tap in birdie ( having just missed the eagle putt on the par 5, 4th) Hugh Williams had a very steady round and scored well also. Lorraine Robb made a welcome return to the fairways after an extended layoff and played in the 9 hole comp.  Results were;
9 Holes Winner.       Lorraine Robb (41) – 11 points
18 Holes
1st; Darlene Baker  (19) – 42 points
2nd; Hugh Williams (21) – 38 pts
3rd; John Laing (24) – 33 pts

Saturday January 16th – Texas Ambrose

Play began on an overcast morning with a 30+KpH wind from the SW; gusts  moved balls in the air and on a few of the greens    With the course a little softer after the ~10mm of rain over night the longer hitters had the advantage.  So far bird damage has been less than in past years but only the hard work of Steve Wilkins has seen the greens in their best possible condition.  Texas Ambrose allows each team to count their best two stableford scores on each hole and scores in the 80s or above are common.  It was a cold round but towards the final few holes the temperature did creep up to about 20º.  On a chilly, windy day the results were;

Winners; John Freestone (23)/Mitch Atlas (8)/Ron Walker (25)/Mick Nicholls Snr (23) – 105pts

NTPs; 1st – Mick Squire, 16th – Mitch Atlas

The final of the 2020 John Laing Shield was also played.  Rob Rea (0) Vs Ryan Davies (5).  It was a tough front nine for Rob, Ryan played straight and his extra length was a real strength.  Rob you get hard over the back nine and managed to get back from four down to square by the 16th but Ryan was too good over the two final, long holes.

Ryan Davies (8) D Rob Rea (0) – 2Up