Monday May 17th – Rd 4 2021 Women’s Pennant

A great 4/1 win to Romsey Women in the fourth round of Div 2 pennant. The match, against Broadford, was played at the picturesque Trentham Golf Club on a crisp autumn day. Jenny Hartley, Shirley Shelton, Wendy Gosden and Beryl Cole all had strong wins with Darlene Baker losing on the 18th hole after a tough match.  In the other Div 2 match Lancefield had an equally good win (4/1) against Euroa.

Overall results

Romsey D Broadford – 4/1

Lancefield D Euroa – 4/1

Saturday May 15th – Rd 3 2021 Men’s Club Championships

Rain during the week and over night had softened the course so not much run and there were  a few wet spots on some greens.  A temperature of around 10C and strong SW winds meant everyone also lost distance in the air and any shots that were not “on the money” risked being pushed into the rough or the trees that lined all fairways.  Play began with Mick Squire holding a seven shot lead in A Grade, Scott Williams was up by three in B Grade and John Freestone lead by 15 shots in C Grade.  Groups headed out well rugged up with the umbrella close to hand.  While the wind blew almost all round the rain held off until the final few holes.  It was challenging for all and no-one was able to play to their handicap, under the day’s conditions close to handicap was an excellent return.  On a very cold, windy afternoon the results were;

Daily competition results;

Winner; Andrew Clement; 83/8/75 C/B Pat Chisholm; 87/12/75, Scott Williams; 90/14/76 & Davey Kenney; 90/14/76

NTPs; 1st – Mitch Atlas, 15th – Chris vanDerVliet, 16th; Simon Donavan

2021 Club Championships Results

Club Champion; Mick Squire – 76/78/83 – 237

B Grade Champion; Scott Williams – 89/91/90 – 270

C Grade Champion; John Freestone – 99/97/109 – 305

John Jeffrey Shield (Best overall nett) –  Rob Rea – 222

Peter Scanlon Shield (Best Nett 55 Yrs+) – Rob Rea – 222

Senior Cup (Best nett 70 Yrs+) – John Freestone 236

2021 Romsey Men’s Champions, Mick Squire, RGC Capt Mal Mottram, Scott Williams & John Freestone

Thursday May 13th – Euroa Tournament – Euroa G. C.

Jenny Hartley and Wendy Gosden represented the RGC at Euroa for their annual tournament.  63 players from a wide range of clubs played in cool but dry conditions. The course was in great condition, but the greens were a little slow with quite a few putts coming up short.

2021 Euroa Champion; Melissa Eddy (Euroa)

B Grade Scratch; Jenni Vennel (Gisborne)

Wednesday May 12th – Rd 2 Women’s Club Championships

A beautiful autumn day with a very chilly start greeted golfers for the Second Round of Club Championships.    The course was quite soft underfoot but in great condition both on the fairways and greens. Daily competition results;
1st; Jenny Hartley – 98/23/75
2nd; Chris Manktelow – 110/33/77
3rd; Darlene Baker – 97/17/80

Rose Scanlon Points
1st; Jenny Hartley
2nd; Darlene Baker
3rd; Elaine Scanlon

2021 Club Championships after Rd 2;

Darlene Baker; 92/97 = 189 from Jenny Hartley; 104/98 = 202

Monday May 10th – Rd 3 Women’s Pennant

The RGC team travelled to Broadford to take on Euroa for round 3 Div 2 Pennant.  Players were met by chilly weather with the threat of rain for most of the round.   RGC results were; Elaine Scanlon – W3/2 and Beryl Cole – W1 up, Jenny Hartley – Sq.

Overall Results were;

Romsey Sq Euroa – 2.5/2.5

Lancefield Sq Trentham – 2.5/2.5


Saturday April 8th – 2021 Club Championships, Rd 2

Another top day for the 2nd round of the 2021 Championships.  The recent warmer weather had seen excellent growth across the whole of Romsey Park.  The few damp areas on some greens had dried out and all were holding well and running fast and true.  The fairways, according to a number of long term members  “were in their best ever condition” and there was just a gentle breeze from the SW.  So, the challenge was there, who could make the best of these top conditions?  There were a few surprises on the front nine when some of the slub’s best golfers played some very ordinary shots but by the back nine concentration was back on and scoring was much better. On a great afternoon for golf the results were;

Daily Competition;

Winner;   Mick Nicholls Jnr – 89/20/69 from Mal Mottram – 79/7/72 & Mitch Atlas, 83/10/73,

NTPs; 1st – Scott Williams, 15th – Andrew Clement, & 16th – Mick Nicholls Jnr

2021 Club Championships Results after Rd 2

A Grade; Stroke – Mick Squire – 76/78 – 154.

B Grade; Stroke – Scott Williams – 89/91 – 180.

C Grade; Stroke – John Freestone – 99/97 – 196

Wednesday May 5th – Rd 1 2021 Women’s Club Championships

The first round of the Club Championships were held on a chilly but sunny day with gusty winds that were quite strong at times and almost still at other times.  The heavy overnight rain had really effected up the course with fairways and greens quite soft.  The overall condition of the course was great and is a reflection of our wonderful volunteers’ tireless efforts.
Elaine Scanlon continued to play some very good golf with a great Nett 70 for the round.  Leader after the first round of the gross event was Darlene Baker with 92 off the stick followed by Elaine with 102. Daily Comp results

1st; Elaine Scanlon – 102/32/70
2nd; Darlene Baker – 92/17/75
3rd: Chris Manktelow – 114/33/81   C/B from Jenny Hartley & Lis Manktelow
Least Putts:  Elaine Scanlon  – 31

Monday May 3rd – Rd 2 Women’s Pennant

Round two of the Women’s Division 2 pennant was held at Lancefield.   The course was in good condition with overnight rain softening up the fairways nicely and the greens were true. Romsey had a great 4/1 victory over Trentham.  A lovely lunch was provided by the Lancefield team who had the bye on their home course.  RGC results were;

Darlene Baker –W, Jenny Hartley – W, Wendy Gosden – W, Beryl Cole – W & Elaine Scanlon – L

Overall results;

Romsey D Trentham – 4/1

Euroa D Broadford – 3.5/1.5

Sunday May 2nd – Rd 5 Men’s Pennant

The teams travelled to KIlmore for the final round of the 2021 Pennant Season.  Romsey was competing with Woodend and Hidden Valley for a spot in the final; we had to win.  Play began on a still, clear day.  The course was in good nick however, the greens were a little two paced.  The big, old trees caught a few players out with a chip back to the fairway the only real option, more courageous choices between trunks or over branches often saw the ball rebound behind the player.  RGC Results were;

Mal Mottram – W1up, Mitch Atlas – W1up, Scott Williams – L5/3, Steve Wilkins – W 4/2, Davey Kenney – L3/2, Keith Hocking – W6/5, Chris vanDerVliet – W1up

Overall results were;

Romsey D Trentham – 5/2

Hidden Valley D Mt Macedon – 4/3

Kilmore D Woodend – 4.5/2.5

The final will be between Romsey and Hidden Valley.  Venue to be announced.

Well done Mal, Mitch, Sevi, Scott, Davey, Keith and Chris on a top performance this pennant season and good luck for the final on May 23rd.

Saturday May 1st – 2021 Club Championships, Rd 1

The 2021 Club Championships began under almost perfect conditions, a gentle breeze from the NW, fairways and surrounds in top nick and the greens fast and true.  All groups teed off from the 1st beginning at 11.00am.  The field moved well however a number of players found themselves “dead” under or in a bush and forced to take an “unplayable”.  Others found themselves well off line but were able to salvage a par with some amazing recovery shots.  However, golf being the game it is, a wonderful birdie was often followed up with a double or triple bogie.  One highlight of the day was Life Member Peter Scanlon playing in his 63rd consecutive RGC Club Championships.

Winner; Rob Rea – 89/19/70 from Simon Donavan – 83/11/72 & Anthony Lakey – 93/21/72

NTPs; 1st – Simon Donavan

A Grade; Stroke – Mick Squire – 76.       Handicap – Simon Donavan – 83/11/72

B Grade; Stroke – Pat Chisholm – 86.      Handicap –   Rob Rea – 89/19/70

C Grade; Stroke – John Freestone – 99.     Handicap – John Laing – 104/31/73 & Keith Hocking – 102/29/73

Peter Scanlon Tees up for his 63rd consecutive Club Championships