Monday April 12th – Hidden Valley Bowl, Hidden Valley G. C.

The Hidden Valley Golf Club hosted teams from the Dalhousie District in their rescheduled Bowl in very cold and slightly wet conditions. Recent rain had caused soggy patches on a few fairways but generally the course was in good condition.
Of the Romsey contingent Jenny Hartley excelled and won A Grade by returning the best score of the day (33 points). Darlene, Wendy and Beryl all enjoyed their games and appreciated the lovely lunch afterwards.
Congratulations to the winning Bowl team from Yea GC who had a combined score of 86 points.

Sunday April 11th – Men’s Pennant Rd 3

With the temperature at about 10C, a gusting wind and some intermittent rain things did not appear good for round three of the 2021 pennant season.  Romsey and Kilmore hit off at 8.30 and it looked as if they would have the worst of the day.  By about 10.30 the sun had come out but the wind had not abated making for a very challenging final few holes.  Woodend and Mt Macedon, Trentham and Hidden Valley headed out just before 11.30.  Conditions during the afternoon were just as difficult as those of the morning.  All golfers did well to keep their ball in play and some found the gusting  wind moved putts well off line.  RGC did well to record a 4.5/2.5 win over Kilmore.  RGC results were Mal Mottram – W1Up, Mitch Atlas – L4/3, Scott Williams – W2Up, Davie Kenney – W5/3, Jim Patton – L2Dn, Steve Wilkins – Sq, Chris vanDerVliet – W7/6

Overall results were;

Romsey D Kilmore – 4.5/2.5

Woodend D Mt Macedon – 4/3

Hidden Valley D Trentham – 5/2

Saturday April 10th – Algie Mitchell Shield Final & Par

After a warm, sunny week the weather on Saturday turned cold with some showers.  The rain soon cleared only to be replaced by a  wind that moved from the west to the NW; it was going to be tough to return a good score.  Many players found that three or four excellent holes could easily be followed by three or four wipes.  Steady golf was the order of the day and only three players were able to get close to their handicaps.  On a cold and windly afternoon the results were;

Winner; Andrew Laing (17) – +1 from Pat Chisholm (13)  -1 C/B fromKev Dunn (29)

NTPs; 1st Andrew Clement, 15th – Scott Williams & 16th – Andrew Laing

The Algie Mitchell Shield final had been played earlier in the week.  The match was tight all day with rarely more that one or two holes between the players.  Mick got 2Up by the 15th but Scott was able to square the ledger taking the 16th and 17th.  The 18th was all square so off down the 19th before the match was decided.

Algie Mitchell Shield Final

Mick Squire (0) D Scott Williams (11) – 19th

Thursday April 8th – Romsey Challenge Bowl

The 28th Romsey Challenge Bowl saw 51 players from 13 Dalhousie and surrounding districts clubs tee off in almost perfect conditions for golf; good scoring was expected.    Once players finished their rounds and were sitting down to a wonderful lunch there were many compliments about the steady progress of  the course, the grass cover over the fairways and surrounds and the much improved state of the whole of the Romsey Park.  The overall presentation of the course is a direct reflection of the many, many hours put in by RGC’s loyal volunteers, their hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated by members every week and the by visitors to this Bowl.
As presentations were made all volunteers were thanked for their time and efforts; in the kitchen, on the course, in the clubhouse and running the competition side of the day.

RGC would like to thank T. J. Scott & Sons for their support of the 2021 Bowl.  Presentations were made by Sophie Scott.

2021 Romsey Challenge Bowl winners:
The Woodend Team; 104 points; Cheryl Garner (25) – 30pts/Cheryl Payne (30) – 39pts/Veronica Sullivan (22) – 35pts  all were delighted with their win.

Grade winners :
A Grade: Helen Dennett (15) – 36 points (Kilmore)

B Grade: Jenny Coleman (25) – 35 points (Marysville)

C Grade: Sophie Banon (38) – 37 points (Kilmore)

NTPs; 3rd – Margaret Blair, 15th – Cheryl Garner
Best 2nd shot 16th – Kaye Atlas

Wednesday April 7th – Stableford

Brilliant Autumnal weather greeted the strong field contesting a Stableford Event. The majority of the field played 9 holes in anticipation of finishing early and getting a head start on organising the clubhouse for the upcoming Romsey Challenge Bowl.  The remainder enjoyed the perfect conditions and beaut course to play 18 holes.  On a wonderful mid autumn morning the results

18 Holes
1st;    Anthony Lakey (22) – 36 pts
2nd;   Rob Slade (17) – 35 pts
3rd   Andrew Laing (17) – 30 pts

9 Holes
1st;     Jenny Hartley (23) – 19 points
2nd ;  Shirley Shelton (24) – 18 pts
3rd;    Darlene Baker  (17) – 17 pts

Wednesday March 31st – Gisborne G. C. Gala Day

On Gisborne Golf Club’s Gala Day, Romsey GC was ably represented by Shirley Shelton.  Shirley has recently rejoined our club and has become fully involved in social and golfing events.
Gisborne’s course was very well presented with fairways in great condition and greens running true and not too speedy.    Shirley enjoyed the Texas Ambrose format and used her purchased Mulligans shot wisely when she found herself in one of the many bunkers on course and chose to replay it and parred the hole.

Saturday April 3rd – Stableford

A strong field headed out for the club’s Stableford competition.  The Little Corellas appeared to have flown South for winter leaving  many bare patches on the greens they had most favoured however, new growth could be seen in these patches so not all bad.  Conditions were vitally perfect, fairways excellent, greens good and almost no wind, that is until the final few holes when the wind gusted from the Nth and West creating challenges for everyone over the final few holes.  Andrew Laing started well with birdies on the 1st and 2nd holes and numerous other players had runs of good scores only to drive into the trees or duff a chip to end up with a one or a wipe.   In the end only one player was able to play to his handicap.  On a warm mid-autumn day the results were;

Winner; Steve Wilkins (16) 36pts from Andrew Laing (170 34 PTS

NTPs; 1st – Les Gaunt, 15th – Mal Mottram 7 16th Mitch Atlas

Wednesday March 31st – March Medal, Stroke & Putts

A glorious autumn day greeted golfers for the Women’s Monthly Medal for March.  The course is in great condition such that relief was no longer required on the fairways. In the rough there are very few bare patches and the greens are looking great and playing very well.  On another stunning autumn morning the results were;
1st; Darlene Baker – 93/17/76       c/b
2nd; Beryl Cole – 105/29/76
3rd; Jenny Hartley- -100/23/77

Least Putts; Darlene Baker – 26

9 Hole Comp
1st; Bruce Robb (31) – 13 points
2nd; Hugh Williams (20) – 12 pts

Monday March 29th – Jean Wallder Bowl – Trentham G. C.

Trentham hosted 53 players from 13 clubs across the DDGA and surrounding clubs for the 2021 Jean Wallder Bowl.
A bit of misty, light dampness greeted the players on arrival however, the brollies were away after the first three holes.
The course was well presented although some found the putting a bit tricky. Thank you to Trentham for hosting and the yummy lunch.
Winners of the 2021 Jean Wallder Bowl; Kilmore-  Jill Bannon/Bron Gunn/Helen Dennett – 224.
The RGC Team, Wendy Gosden/Shirley Shelton/Elaine Scanlon were a bit back – 244

Sunday March 28th – Men’s Pennant Rd 2.

The Romsey team travelled to Mt Macedon G. C. for the second round of the 2021 pennant season.  An 8.30 start saw heavy dew on the fairways and greens.  As the morning progressed the sun peaked through and everything warmed up a little.  Taking on the Mountain Men on their own patch was always going to be a challenge.

 RGC results were; Mal Mottram – L2/1, Mitch Atlas – W6/4, Ryan Davies – L1Dn, Davey Kenney – W6/5, Scott Williams – W2/1, Chris vanDerVliet – L3/2, Keith Hocking – W4/2

Overall results were;

Romsey D Mt Macedon – 4/3

Trentham Vs Kilmore –

Woodend  Vs Hidden Valley –