Thursday April 13th – Romsey Women’s Challenge Bowl

42 players from from 12 Dalhousie Golf District and neighbouring clubs  participated in the 2023 Romsey Golf Club Women’s Challenge Bowl on Thursday April 13th. To commence conditions were coolish with sunshine breaking through as the round progressed.  It turned out to be a beautiful day there was some excellent golf played.  The day’s results were;
1st; Kilmore Golf Club; Helen Dennett (15) 32 points,  Jill Banon (29) 38 points, &Sophie Banon(25) 30 points  -100pts

2nd; Woodend – 97 points 

Individual stableford winners were:
A grade; Mary Campbell (Broadford – 17) c/b from Jenny Hartley (21) 35 points
B grade; Cheryl Garner (Woodend – 24) 35 points
C grade; Cheryl Payne (Woodend – 31) 33 points

NTPs; 15th – Lisa Caines Trentham, 16th second shot – Jill Banon

Thank you to the day’s sponsors,  TJ Scott & Son. It was great to have Kelly Scott represent the company at presentations

Thank you to the course maintenance team Steve Wilkins, Anthony Lakey, Mal Mottram, Bruce and Lorraine Robb, and Mitch Atlas who prepared the course for the event.
Thank you to team Shirley Shelton, Wendy Gosden, Beryl Cole, Kath Jekabsons, Jenny Hartley, Lorraine Robb  & Lis Manktelow for assisting with the planning, preparations of food, assisting Captain and general assistance on the day on and off course. Thanks to Captain Darlene for organising the golf side for the day.  

2023 Bowl champions Helen Dennett,  Jill Banon, Sophie Banon with Kelly Scott

Grade Champion Mary Campbell

B Grade Champion Cheryl Garner

C Grade champion Cheryl Payne with Kelly Scott.







Wednesday April 12th – Stableford

A smaller than usual field, took to the course, some members elected to stay in the clubhouse and prepare for the upcoming Romsey Women’s Challenge Bowl.   Those who did play braved a wet and cold start to the round but conditions improved as the morning progressed.  Overnight rain, 28mm, made for softer conditions around the course and made the greens receptive to the shot coming in high.  Results
1st         Anthony Lakey             (20)     33 points
2nd        Steve Wilkins         (17)     30 points

Saturday April 8th – 1/4 Finals Algie Mitchell Shield & Stableford

With steady rain over Friday and into Saturday morning it looked to be a challenging afternoon for all golfers.  Play began with a steady westerly wind and a spot of drizzle here and there.   After a dew holes the sun shone through and the waterproofs came off  but the remainder of the round was a mixture of light rain, clear skies then steady drizzle over the final few holes.  The 1/4 finals of the club’s oldest shield, the Algie Mitchell Shield, were also being played and there was  deal of chatter about who was going to do what so bragging rights” were “up for grabs.”.  We also welcomed Tomako Sekisuchi and Shinobu Littman for the round. On a cool, drizzly, very changing day, the results were;

1st; Toby Clement (17) – 41 pts

2nd; Mick Squire (4) – 36 pts

3rd; Scott Williams (17) – 36 pts

Women’s Winner; Shinobu Littman (18) – 35 pts

NTPs; 1st – Davey Kenney, 16th – Mick Squire

The 2023 Algie Mitchell Quarter Finals results;

Davey Kenney (0) D Andrew Laing (3) – 5/4

Mick Nicholls Jnr  (10) D Daniel Wright (0) – Walkover

Luke Lyons  (5) D Mitch Atlas (0) – 4/2

Mal Mottram (0) D Steve Wilkins (10) – 1up

The semi-finals of the 2023 Algie Mitchell Shield will be;

Davey Kenney (1) Vs  Mick Nicholls Jnr (0)

Mal Mottram (0) Vs Luke Lyons (3)

Wednesday April 5th – Stroke , 3rd Rd Silver Spoon

In perfect weather and course conditions a strong field took to the fairways for a round of Stroke.  Steve Wilkins had the round of the day with a great 65 Nett with Lis Manktelow the best of the women and in contention for Silver Spoon (round3) with Nett 72. Results were; 
Comp 1
1st.     Lis Manktelow.        102/30/72
2nd.   Beryl Cole.               105/32/73
3rd.    Chris Manktelow.    105/31/74
Comp 2
1st.    Steve Wilkins.          80/15/65
2nd.   Luke Lyons.             81/9/72
3rd.    Anthony Lakey.             90/17/73

Sunday April 2nd – DDGA Men’s Pennant Rd 2

What a perfect day for golf; clear, sunny skies, and nary a breath of wind.  

The Div 3 Handicap team hosted at home, Scott, Lorraine, Kev and Elaine did a top job sending out the field and with the food and drinks.  A  fire to get rid of a European Wasp’s nest right on the 5th tee slowed proceedings down a little.  The nest has since been hit twice  with “Ant & Wasp Powder.”

The Scratch team travelled to Broadford tyo play Whittlesea.  An improved result but not quite good enough to bring home a win.  results were;

Daniel Wright – L, Mick Squire – W, Dylan Harris – W, Mal Mottram – L & Mitch Atlas – L.  Trentham D Romsey 3/2

Saturday April 1st – Algie Mitchell Shield Qualifying – Stableford

Players arrived at the room with overcast skies, a slight drizzle and a very cold wind; conditions looked to be way more than challenging.  As the field headed to the tees light rain fell but this soon cleared and some sun shone through.  During the round the wind moved between the SW and NW making club selection difficult and causing all players to think carefully about just where to aim a shot.  The greens have recovered well from the recent coming and all players found them to be of consistent speed and in great nick.  However, it was tough for most players to play to their handicap.  On a cold, windy afternoon noon the results were;

1st; Bob McLennan (14) – 39 pts

2nd; Davey Kenney (14) – 37 pts

3rd; Luke Lyons (12) – 35 pts 

The 2023 Algie Mitchell Quarter Finals will be;

1. Davey Kenney Vs 8. Andrew Laing

3. Daniel Wright Vs 6. Mick Nicholls Jnr

2. Luke Lyons Vs 7. Mitch Atlas

4. Steve Wilkins Vs 5. Mal Mottram

Thursday March 30th – Jean Walder Bowl, Seymour G. C.

The 2023 DDGA Jean Walder Bowl was held at Seymour Golf Club.  Conditions were good with lovely green fairways that were quite damp in places due to recent heavy rain. Recent scarifying of the greens made for some tricky putting. After a  chilly start it developed in to a pleasant mid autumn day.
Competition was extremely close with three teams on the same score at the end of the day (241 nett). Trentham prevailed in the countback to win the Bowl.
The Romsey contingent of Jenny Hartley, Wendy Gosden and Darlene Baker were one stroke behind those three teams on 242 nett. Well done to Wendy who had a great score of 105/29/76 to win the C Grade division.

Wednesday March 29th – March Medal, stroke & Putts

The Wednesday section of the women’s running competition for the March Monthly Medal was concluded with a smaller than usual field braving the wet and windy conditions to play their stroke round.  On a challenging morning the results were;
1st;  Darlene Baker – 89/18/71
2nd; Kath Jekabsons – 11/39/72
3rd;  Jenny Hartley – 94/21/73
Least Putts; Jenny Hartley – 30

Sunday March 26th – DDGA Men’s Pennant Rd 1

Round one of the 2023 Pennant season saw Romsey’s Scratch Team take on Mt Macedon at Strathbogie and the Handicap Team take on Woodend at Broadford.  It was a cool morning but temperatures slowly rose to around 20C by mid afternoon.  Strathbogie , without irrigation, was hard and dry, Broadford was in good condition.  Not a good day for the boys.  The results were;

Scratch;Mick Squire W, Mitch Atlas L, Mal Mottram L, Pat Chisholm L , Mick Nicholls Jnr L.  Mt Macedon D Romsey 4/1

Handicap; Scott Williams L-2Dn, DaveyKenney L-1Dn, Dean KohlerL2Dn, Chris vanDerVliet L-4/3, John Freestone L-2Dn .  Woodend Romsey 5/0

Saturday March 25th – March Medal, stroke & putts

Despite rains late in the week and the steady drizzle on Friday the greens, surrounds and fairways were all able to be mown. as a result there were heavy clippings on some areas of a few fairways so a hand span relief, fairway played, as given.  A gusting SW wind blew for most of the afternoon and when looking across two greens it often seemed that the flags were blowing in different directions.  So, whether driving or approaching a green, players had to think carefully about where they aimed or risk their ball moving well into the rough.  While the fairways had softened a little players still got good value for well struck shots.  On a sunny, windy afternoon the results were; 

March Medalist; Luke Lyons – 82/12/70 

2nd; Mick Squire – 76/5/71

3rd; Bob McLennan – 87/14/73

NTPs;  15th – Bob McLennan, 16th – Rob Slade

Least putts; Steve Wilkins – 27

Women’s Winner; Darlene Baker – 89/18/71

2023 Pennant Golf – The afternoon also saw the presentation of the RGC 2023 Pennant Shirts.  Many thanks to Justine O’Loughlin and Shanon Wright who did so much to get these shirts organised and in the rooms for the presentation.

RGC Captain Mal Mottram with March Medalist Luke Lyons