Wednesday July 19th – Two-player Ambrose

On a gloriously sunny winter’s day the field took to the course for a 2 Person Ambrose Event.  Competition was fierce with the pairing of Elaine Scanlon and Darlene Baker starting brilliantly with tap in pars on the first three holes and parring three more along the way before falling away towards the end.  Wendy Gosden and Lorraine Robb were much more consistent throughout their round together playing to their handicap on most holes with only a couple of hiccups.  But the pair of the day was Hugh Williams and Chris Manktelow who recorded 89 off stick to come home winners in the daily comp.
Wendy Gosden’s first drive of the day was long and straight and crept up onto the green where it remained to be Nearest The Pin on the 1st hole. Darlene Baker hit a beautiful shot on the 15th hole to within a metre but unfortunately neither she nor her partner could hole the birdie putt.  On a wonderful day to be out on the course the results were;
1st; Hugh Williams/Chris Manktelow – 89/12.5/76.5
2nd; Wendy Gosden/Lorraine Robb – 97/19.5/77.5
3rd; Darlene Baker and Elaine Scanlon – 92/12.75/79.25
NTP; 1st – Wendy Gosden, 15th – Darlene Baker

Saturday July 15th – Stableford

Another very cold morning, with a very heavy dew.  The fairways had again been too wet to cut so players teed up to prevent more long lasting, damage to the course.  While the morning had been extremely cold the afternoon warmed considerably making it over 10C!  The big positive was the almost complete absence of the usual chilling winds.  The cold air and soft fairways saw all players lose distance off the tee and everyone had to watch carefully least a ball plug and be lost.  One highlight came on the 17th when Scott Williams’ drive ended with his ball stuck in the bark of a large pine tree.  On a still, “warmish” afternoon the results were;

1st; Luke Lyons (10) – 38 pts

2nd; Toby Clement (14) – 37 pts

3rd; Simon Donovan (12) – 34pts, C/B Andrew Clement (10) & Dylan Harris (6)

NTPs; 1st – Shaun Scales, 15th – Luke Lyons, 16th – Mick Squire

Best 2nd Shot on the 3rd – Shaun Scales

A more than challenging 2nd shot.

Wednesday July 12th – Stroke

There was a strong field in the Stroke comp considering the amount of rain on the course of recent times.   The weather was winter perfect with beautiful sunshine but a cold wind which was extra chilly in the shade, jumpers stayed on for the duration of the round. Rob Slade had a great round.  Results  were;
1st.     Rob Slade.         86/15/71
2nd.   Steve Wilkins.    89/16/73 c/b
3rd.    Darlene Baker.   91/18/73

NTPs; 15th – Rob Slade

Saturday July 8th – Stroke

Following  weeks of steady rain and after walking the course, noting the large number of long divots on the fairways, it was decided to tee-up for the club’s Stroke round.  Light drizzle was falling and a gusting westerly wind blew up  as the groups headed to the tee.  So, with a soft course it was looking to be a tough round, virtually no run on the fairways and the wind either pushing shots far longer than usual or pulling them up well short.  Despite the recent rains the greens putted very true and all balls rolled out, a bit of a winner for the ongoing hard work of the club’s volunteers.  To top off a challenging afternoon,  heavy, very cold rain, fell over the final few holes making the rooms far more attractive than usual.  On a cold, wet afternoon the results were;

1st; Simon Donovan – 82/12/70

2nd; Anthony Lakey – 91/20/71

3rd; Steve Wilkins – 88/16/72

NTPs; 1st – Luke Lyons, 15th – Dean Kohler, Best 2nd Shot on the 3rd – Luke Lyons

Wednesday July 5th – Par 3

Kath Jekabsons and Jenny Hartley spent some time to  design the Par 3 course then walked the course moving the red tee markers closer to the greens. It was another very cool morning but with little wind and no rain so really a pleasant winter’s day for playing golf. The daily handicaps were reduced by a quarter. The shortened length of the course suited Lorraine Robb’s style of golf, straight down the middle, occasional chip then that deadly putt. On a cool, sunny morning the Par 3 results were;
1st; Lorraine Robb – 75/35.25/39.75
2nd; Kath Jekabsons – 77/27.75/49.25
3rd; Sherif Abdel Sayed – 71/19.5/51.5.
Best gross score; Sherif Abdel-Sayed –  71

Saturday July 1st – 4B Aggregate Stableford

Another  very cold day with winds from the SW between 25 and 30Kph.  Some holes played far longer than usual and the wind had everyone a little nervous about the internal OOB on the 18th. The day’s 4B Aggregate Stableford competition was a keenly contested affair with players giving and receiving encouragement to and from their team member.  Despite the wind and the soft course there were some excellent scores posted.  On another cold, windy afternoon the results were;

1st; Simon Donovan (13)/Dean Kohler (16) – 73 points
2nd; Luke Lyons (11) 38/Dylan Harris (6) – 68 points
3rd; Davie Kenney (13)/Pat Chisholm (12) – 62 points
NTPs; 1st – Andrew Clement, 15th – Mitch Atlas & 16th – Toby Clement

Wednesday June 28th – June Medal, stroke & putts

The June Medal was contested on a damp and soft but beautifully prepared course. The weather was cold, creeping slowly up to 10C by noon but, luckily players were back in the clubhouse before the cold southerly wind and misty rain set in.  It was a real challenge to get the right speed on the damp greens so there were many three putts.  On a chilly morning the results were;
Daily comp winner; Rob Slade – 98/15/83
Women’s June Medal
1st; Lorraine Robb – 138/47/91 c/b
2nd; Kath Jekabsons – 128/37/91
Least putts; Rob Slade – 32

Saturday June 24th – June Medal, stroke & putts

As winter rolls on it becomes more obvious that this is the time of the northerly winds and the ever increasing drizzle to rain.  Another round with winds at or above 40Kph was not what the players were looking for on a monthly medal day but there it was so what do you do?  Well, get the gear in and get out on the course.  Rain in the afternoon made the course that little bit longer but a few players seemed to have found their vibe and carded excellent scores.  Mitch Altas, one of the longest hitters in the club again eagled the Par 5 438m 7th.  On a cold, windy and wet afternoon the results were;

1st & June Medalist; Simon Donovan – 82/14/68

2nd; Mal; Mottram – 81/8/73 C/B

3rd; Dean Kohler – 89/16/73

NTPs; 1st – Mal Mottram, 15th – Mick Squire & 16th – Mitch Atlas

Least Putts; Pat Chisholm – 25, Longest Drive – Mitch Atlas

June ’23 Medalist Simon Donovan


Wednesday June 21st – Doris Chambers Foursomes

Very brave players rugged up to play golf in freezing conditions on Wednesday. Our greens’ keeper, Sevi had already been out on the course in the early morning to mow the greens and remove the frost. At the beginning of play the sun had already disappeared behind clouds so the temperature didn’t get above 7º and it felt a lot lower.
We were very pleased to welcome a new player, Matthew Barrow. Matthew had a very good round with a gross score of 86, not a bad effort for a first hit on the course.
Doris Chambers foursome winners; Kath Jekabsons/Lorraine Robb 129/42/87.

Saturday June 17th – Stableford

As with the last few weeks the course was hit by NE winds which gusted up to 45Kph  before settling back at about 35Kph.  Being able to predict the gust was a vital part of posting a good score.  The course had stood up to the recent very heavy rains exceptionally well and proved to be a pleasure to play on.  The greens remain fast and true.  The gusting wind made the par 3s very challenging and only one was hit for the whole round.  On a cool, windy and sunny afternoon the results were;

1st; Toby Clement (15) – 37pts

2nd; Mal Mottram (8) – 33 pts C/B (Two count-back wins in a few weeks, probably the year’s allowance used up already Mal!)

3rd; Davey Kenney (13) – 33 pts C/B Pat Chisholm (12)

NTP; 15th – Mal Mottram

Longest Drive; Dylan Harris