Wednesday June 14th – Stableford Inc Silver Spoon playoff

The Stableford competition and the Silver Spoon playoff were held on  was a  cold, mainly cloudy day with a ~20Kph wind moving between the NW and NNW.  By noon the temperature had almost reached 10C.  The day’s results were:
1st; Rob Slade (15) – 33pts.
2nd; Kath Jekabsons (37) – 28pts.
3rd; Elaine Scanlon (33) – 24pts.
9 hole Competition.
1st; Hugh Williams (19) – 18pts.
2nd; Lorraine Robb (45) – 14pts
Silver Spoon Playoff; – Lis Manktelow.

Monday June 10th – King’s Birthday Ambrose

It was a hardy  and pleasingly large, field of golfers who took to the course for the club’s King’s Birthday Ambrose competition.  Playing on a soft course with a northerly wind well above  30Kph and a temperature at around 10C you really had to love the game and/or a walk in the park.  Under these challenging conditions, Ambrose was probably the ideal game for the day and, all who played, enjoyed their round.  On a cool morning the results were;

1st; Andrew/Toby Clement – nett 63
2nd; Mitch Atlas/Rob Slade – nett 67.25
3rd; Steve Wilkins/Andrew Laing – nett 69.75
NTPs; 1st – Sean Scales, 15th – Dylan Harris & 16th – Mitch Atlas
Longest drive, (365m 4th) – Toby Clement.

Saturday June 10th – Stroke

After the very heavy rain earlier in the week the course was far softer and balls had to be watched carefully less they were swallowed up un landing.  The afternoon managed to creep just over 10C while the 30+Kph northerly wind made all players a little nervous especially when lining up a high approach shot; all par 3s proved to more than usually challenging.  Despite the conditions there were a number of good scores.  On a cold, windy day the results were;

1st; Mitch Atlas – 78/5/73

2nd; Luke Lyons – 85/11/74

3rd; Andrew Clement – 86/9/77 C/B Mal Mottram; – 85/8/77

NTPs; 15th – Andrew Clement

Wednesday June 7th – Nine-hole Mulligans

After looking at the weather forecast it was agreed to only play a nine hole comp of Mulligans. The rain threatened throughout the 9 holes but mainly stayed dry until all golfers were back in the clubhouse.  Results of the nine-hole Mulligans competition;
1st      Darlene Baker        (16)  19 points
2nd     Hugh Williams       (19)  18 points
3rd      Rob Slade              (16)  17 points

Saturday June 3rd – RGC Relative Pairs Shield, 4BBB Stableford

Steady rain over much of Thursday and into Friday had softened the course but the club’s efforts to improve most the drainage meant only a little casual water on just a few holes.  Play began with a temperature in the mid teens and a steady NNE wind in the low 20s Kph, rain was expected late in the day but it did not arrive.  The fairways had amazing cover and the rough had thickened; the volunteers had been hard pressed to get everything cut and looking good for the Relative Pairs Shield.  The shield is open to all golfers; pairs must have a  familial relationship, partner/partner, father/daughter, cousin/cousin etc.  It was a hard fought affair with a number of pairs scoring well over the 36pts.  On a clear, sunny afternoon the results were;

1st; Josh Squire/Michael Squire – 49  pts
2nd; Rob Gillett / Michael Nicholls Jr- 42 pts c/b 
3rd; Darlene Baker/Roger Baker – 42 pts
4th; Mitch Atlas/Steve Wilkins Wilkins – 41 pts,  c/b Mal Mottram/Andrew Laing – 41 pts
NTPs; 15th; Shannon Wright, 16th; Michael Nicholls Jr
Eagle; Mitch Atlas – 440 metres par 5, 17th 
2023 Relative Pair’s winners Josh Squire, RGC Capt Mal Mottram & Michael Squire.

Wednesday May 31st – May Medal & Medal of Medalists, stroke & putts

Congratulations to Kath Jekabsons winner of the May Monthly Medal and 2022/23 Medal of Medalists.   Kath played very consistent golf, one highlight was just eleven putts on the back nine.
May Medalist & 2022/23 Medal of Medalists; Kath Jekabsons; 112/37/75
Daily Competition Results
1st     Steve Wilkins       88/16/72
2nd   Kath Jekabsons   112/37/75 C/B
3rd    Rob Slade             90/15/75
NTP   15th – Luke Lyons   15th
Least Putts  Rob Slade  – 26.

RGC Captain, Darlene Baker congratulated 2022/23 Medal of Medalists, Kath Jekabsons.


Saturday May 27th – May Medal & Medal of Medalists, stroke & putts

The Medal of Medalists and May Medal round began under clear skies, with  a temperature in the low teens C and a steady, 20Kph+ wind from the NW.  The excellent conditions saw all bar one of the previous 12 medalists turn out for the round.  The course remains in excellent condition and everyone was eager to see the progress of the new 18th green.  The consistent conditions saw some excellent golf played.  Possibly the surprise of the day was the return of Shannon Wright after an eight-week lay-off due to a serious foot injury.   There is an old saying in sport, “beware of the injured golfer” as he/she tends to concentrate more and Shannon’s round proved this to be true.  On a top day to be out on the course the results were;
1st – Medal of Medalists and May Medalist – Shannon Wright – 78-9-69
2nd;  Luke Lyons 84-11-73
3rd; Mal Mottram 83-8-75 c/b from Dean Kohler 91-16-75 (1st C/B Mal has won in a long time)
NTP; s1st – Dean Kohler, 15th – Mal Mottram
Least putts; Davie Kenney – 26.
2022-23 Medal of Medalists, Shannon Wright with RGC Captain Mal Mottram

Thursday May 25th – Strathbogie Bowl

Beryl Cole and Darlene Baker journeyed to Strathbogie as individual entries in the Bowl. Both played some good golf and ended up with 31 points each.  Winners of the Bowl were a team from Marysville.  The weather was chilly but no wind or rain which had been predicted. A lovely lunch of soup, sandwiches and apple crumble rounded out a lovely day of golf.

Wednesday May 24th – Rd 3 2023 Women’s Club Championships

On a very chilly day the third and final round of the 2023 Club Championships were played. Darlene Baker consolidated the lead she had going into the final round, playing consistent golf to take out the Championships. The Nett Championship was a closely contested affair with only four strokes separating the top three golfers; Jenny Hartley was the nett winner, runner-up; Lorraine Robb – 246 and third; Kath Jekabsons -248.
The Daily Competition Results
1st.   Rob Slade                89/15/74 C/B
2nd. Darlene Baker         92/18/74 
3rd.  Chris Manktelow 107/31/ 76
Least Putts   Rob Slade – 28

2023 Club Champion; Darlene Baker –  285

2023 Nett Champion; Jenny Hartley – 301/244

2023 Club Champion Darlene Baker is congratulated by RGC Life Member Helene Newnham

Saturday May 20th – Rd 3 2023 Men’s Club Championships

The final round of the 2023 Men’s Club Champions saw play begin on a generally clear day with a middle strength wind from the NW/NNW and a temperature approaching the mid teensC.   There had been some light rain early in the day and it returned as the final groups were heading for home.  The course remained in top condition with the green responding extremely well to the autumn coring and the ministrations of Seve Wilkins.  Scratch – with only 4 – 6 shots separating the leaders in A., B and C grades titles could be won or lost with a good or a bad round.  One bad hole might be enough to come in 2nd.  The Handicap results were a little  more spread out.  It took some top golf to overhaul the leaders in both A and B grades; B Grade coming down to a play-off, won/lost on the 2nd hole while, “bang down the middle, chip and a putt”, John Freestone, grabbed on to another C Grade Championship.  The day’s results were;

Daily competition;

1st; Mick Squire – 75/4/71 C/B

2nd; Davey Kenney – 84/13/71

3rd; Luke Lyons – 84/12/72 C/B Dean Kohler  88/16/72

2023 RGC Champions;

Scratch – Mick Squire –  (74, 81, 75) 230

2022 Champion Mal Mottram with 2023 Champion Mick Squire.     

Mitchell Family Shield, A Grade Nett – Mitch Atlas – 232/211

B Grade;

Scratch – Luke Lyons-  (88, 81, 84) 253 (1st Play-off hole) Simon Donovan – (82, 82, 89) – 253

Peter Scanlon Shield, B Grade Nett – Simon Donovan -253/205

C Grade;

Scratch – John Freestone – 306

John Jeffrey Shield, C Grade Nett – John Freestone – 306/231

Senior Cup, best nett by a player 70 and over;

John Freestone – 306/231

RGC Captain Mal Mottram with John Freestone