Saturday February 24th – 2024 Summer Cup, Rd 3A – February Medal – stroke & putts

Another strong field took to the course for the February medal, play began under clear skies with a gusting wind from the S/SE of between 30 and 35+Kph.  The wind  was particularly challenging over front nine with balls moving sharply in the air and even deviating on the green.  Later in the round the wind quietened but still blew up now and then.  The generally good cover on the fairways saw consistent bounce and the softer green held well played approach shots.  On a sunny, windy afternoon the results were.

1st & February Medalist – Davey Kenney – 85/15/70

2nd; Mitch Atlas – 77/6/71

3rd; Scott Williams – 89/17/72 C/B – Shaun Scales & Rohan Stott

NTPs; 15th – Anthony Lakey, 16th –  Mick Squire, Best 2nd shot 3rd – Shaun Scales

Least Putts; Mitch Atlas – 28 C/B Toby Clement & Luke Lyons

RGC February 2024 Medalist – Ben Owen

Thursday February 22nd – Goonawarra Tournament

The Goonawarra Tournament was held in very trying conditions with the temperature reaching 37º and the strong  northerly wind causing havoc. At times it was difficult to maintain stability as the wind ripped across the course and often balls on the green were seen to move due to the wind.

Darlene Baker, Sophie Banon and Jill Banon (Kilmore) made the journey to Goonawarra and enjoyed the challenges with Sophie having the best score of the three.

Darlene’s shot on the par 3, 7th was a beaut and earned her NTP.

Wednesday February 21st – 2024 Summer Cup Rd 3A – Stableford

Some great scores recorded in the 3rd of Summer Cup Stableford event with third place Lorraine Robb having a beaut score of 39 points. David Jones had one better with his total of 40 but Kath Jekabsons had a very consistent round and won the day with a total of 41.    Congratulations to all three and winner on the day Kath.
David also had the Nearest The Pin on the par 3, 15th .

Sunday February 18th – Relay For Life Cancer Research Charity Day

Eighteen teams teed up on a fine, coolish morning to take on “The Old Course” lay-out at Romsey Golf Course. The day was a four-player Ambrose event and saw players from Geelong, Rosebud, Bendigo and Fawkner as well as from Romsey and surrounding districts; some with excellent handicaps others just out to have a round and to help raise some money for a very worthwhile cause.  With a par of 45 for both men and women the old course is more than  challenging.  The morning warmed up and the round was played in generally excellent conditions.  This was the 16th RFL Golf Day and many players had been coming for years.  There were very positive comments on the state of the course especially the fairways and greens.    Of the eighteen teams five were well under the card and their team handicaps really came into play.  It was a very tight result with two teams finishing  on 35.63.  A count back over the back six holes was required to separate them

1st CDMA; Mal Mottram/Davey Kenney/Craig Sandy/Andrew Laing – 41/5.38/35.63 C/B

2nd The Wanderers; Mitch Atlas/Paul Ellis/Ben Owen/Andrew Caldwell – 42/6.38/35.63

NTPs; 1st – Darren Alpinton, 8th – Dean Kohler, 10th – Davey Kenney/Darlene Baker

Just under 80 people sat down for lunch; a great meal provided by the members of “Puddles Team”.

Special mention to Romsey Mitre-10 who again sponsored the day.  They have generously supported this charity event since 2017.  The day saw just over $2,000  raised for cancer research

The 2024 RFL Champions CDMA

Craig Sandy, Andrew Laing & Mal Mottram (Davey Kenney absent)


Saturday February 17th – Rd 3A 2024 Summer Cup – Stableford

A perfect day for golf, course in top condition and just the barest wind from the S/SE. While there was some damage to a few greens the bulk of the corellas seem to have moved on, very unusual as they are often on Romsey Park until late March.  Edges of the fairway and large swathes of the rough clearly show the damage these birds can do.  Conditions saw some excellent golf played and it was just one bad hole that made the difference between winning or coming in the top three.  On a great day to be out on the course the results were;

1st; Mitch Atlas (7) – 38 pts

2nd; Scott Williams (17) – 36 pts C/B

3rd; Mick Squire (6) – 36 pts

NTPs; 15th – Mitch Atlas, Best 2nd shot 3rd – Mick Squire

Wednesday 14th February – Stroke, Summer Cup Rd 2B, Day 2- 1st round Silver Spoon running competition.

Thankfully there was a cool change overnight so the weather today was pleasant for playing golf. There was a bit of debris on the course from the wild and windy weather yesterday. Rob McDonald had the best round of the day. If a shot went astray he was able to make a great recovery with his next shot.  Daily competition results:
1st Rob McDonald 86/17/69
2nd Elaine Scanlon 104/33/71
3rd Jenny Hartley 96/22/74
The 1st round of the Silver Spoon was a running competition – Saturday 10th or Wednesday 14th. Jenny Hartley stated before golf on Saturday that this was her designated game.  The winner of the 1st Rd of the Silver Spoon was Jenny Hartley (Sat 10th) 94/23/71 on a c/b from Elaine Scanlon (Wed 14th) 104/33/71.

Saturday February 10th – 2024 Summer Cup Rd 2A – Stroke

After a cool morning the day warmed up and conditions looked excellent for golf.  The fairways again had good cover and all players got excellent results from well struck drives and low irons. For once the corellas seemed to have moved on and the greens showed far less than usual damage.  Hopefully these damaging birds have really moved on1  Over the round there was just a gentle breeze from the S/.SW so good scores looked to be the “on the cards”.  However, despite the good condition, no-one was really able to “tear the course apart”.  On a great day to be out on the park the results were;

1st; Dean Kohler – 82/12/70 C/B

2nd; Davey Kenney – 86/16/70

3rd; Sheriff Abdel-Sayed – 105/34/71 C/B Jenny Hartley

NTPs; 1st – Scott Williams, 15th – Luke Green, 16th – Shaun Scales, Best 2nd shot 3rd – Scott Williams



Wednesday February 7th – 2024 Summer Cup Rd 1B – Par

Another glorious day on a well prepared course for the Wednesday session of the 1st Round of the Summer Cup.  The format was Par with only two scores on the right side of the ledger; scoring was tricky in the gusty winds that arrived late in the round.  Sherif Abdel-Sayed played a very consistent round to card an excellent score.  The competition results were;
1st – Sherif Abdel-Sayed  (29); +3
2nd – Rob Mc Donald       (17); +2
3rd – Kath Jekabsons       (38);  -2 (C/B from Jenny Hartley)
NTPs; 1st-Darlene Baker, 3rd-Darlene Baker & 16th – Rob McDonald

Saturday February 3rd – Summer Cup Rd 1A – Par

The 2024 Summer Cup began on a hot, sunny afternoon.  With the temperature predicted to be 31C+ the umbrellas and sunscreen were both in play.  As the round progressed a wind blew up (~20kph) from the N/NNW and some higher, approach shots did drift well away from the green.  There was excellent cover on the fairways however, the recent hotter, dryer weather saw everyone get great value for well struck shots.   While just about all players had a few good holes followed by lesser performances two players held their nerve over the whole 18 holes.  Six birdies going a long way to a good card, but just not quite good enough.  On a hot, sunny day the results were;

1st; Zac Scales (39) +3 C/B

2nd; Mick Squire (7) + 3

3rd; Mitch Atlas (7) – +1

NTPs; 1st – Anthony Lakey, 15th – Mitch Atlas, 16th – Luke Lyons, Best 2nd shot 3rd – Mick Squire


Wednesday January 31st – January Medal, stroke & putts

With only 11 putts on the first nine holes Jenny Hartley made a flying start to the January Monthly Medal.  With a very consistent second nine she produced a final score of nett 68 to secure the win, well done Jenny.   The well presented fairways and great greens contributed to the good scores on the day. The day’s results were;
1st & January Medalist: Jenny Hartley – 92/24/68
2nd: David Jones – 93/22/71
3rd: Rob Mc Donald – 95/17/78 C/B Lorraine Robb and Beryl Cole.