With a number of members unable to travel to RGC and the 100mm+ of rain during the week it was decided to hold the Medal of Medalists over and to play a round of two player Ambrose.   Despite the heavy rain the drainage works of last year had seen almost all the surface water get into the dams and then, once they filled, out of the park.  There was some casual water here and there but generally the course had held up very well.  The damage to the course’s trees was very evident with piles of broken branches and felled trees in the middle of the park awaiting cleaning up for firewood and then burning.  Many thanks to Mal, Sevi and Tony for their hard work clearing the course and repairing damage on Friday.  An assessor from MRSC also visited and marked a number of trees that will be removed.  Conditions were cool and still but cold air and soft fairways saw everyone loose distance off the tee.  Once again distance in the air was all important. The sun shone through for the first few holes then the cloud arrived and the jumpers went on.  Some excellent golf was played.  On a still, chilly afternoon the results were;

Winners; Mal Mottram/Craig Sandy – 63.75 from Josh & Mick Squire – 64.25

NTPs; 1st – Jim Patton, 15th – Jason Langton & 16th Mick Squire