After a cold, largely overcast week with rain on most days the course looked green but was heavy underfoot. The two dams had water in them so no more strolling out into the hazard to play the ball “as it lies”; plenty of golf balls for the youngsters to find later on.  With light drizzle falling for most of the morning players were met with very cold, wet conditions.  The 4BBB stroke format scores the best nett score on each hole and, in normal conditions, some excellent scores are recorded but the weather and the course made it very difficult; only two groups were able to return a below-par score.  On a very cold afternoon the results were;

Winners; Les Gaunt (7)/Pat Chisholm (13) – 69 from Mick Squire (5)/Mal Mottram (10) – 70

NTPs; 15th – Mal Mottram