The Romsey team travelled to Mt Macedon G. C. for the second round of the 2021 pennant season.  An 8.30 start saw heavy dew on the fairways and greens.  As the morning progressed the sun peaked through and everything warmed up a little.  Taking on the Mountain Men on their own patch was always going to be a challenge.

 RGC results were; Mal Mottram – L2/1, Mitch Atlas – W6/4, Ryan Davies – L1Dn, Davey Kenney – W6/5, Scott Williams – W2/1, Chris vanDerVliet – L3/2, Keith Hocking – W4/2

Overall results were;

Romsey D Mt Macedon – 4/3

Trentham Vs Kilmore –

Woodend  Vs Hidden Valley –