The 4th Round of Summer Cup (A),  February Monthly Medal for the Women and a 9 Hole competition was played in warm conditions on a course that offered a lot of run. Rob Slade had the round of the the day with consistent golf in the 18 hole comp with Hugh Williams returning the best score of the 9 Holes. Results

1st;  Rob Slade – 82/17/65
2nd;  Jenny Hartley – 95/22/73
3rd;  Luke Lyons – 85/10/75   C/B   Lis Manktelow – 105/30/75
Least Putts;  Rob Slade – 28

9 Hole Competition
1st;  Hugh Williams – 18 points
2nd;  Lorraine Rob – 16 points

NTPs   16th.  Darlene Baker