The day began just after 7.00 am when the boys from Turf Conditioning Services (TCS) rolled into Romsey Park and began setting up their machinery.  Club Pres, Tony, was off to Kyneton to pick up the front-end loader and by 8.00 am coring, picking-up and sanding was well underway.  There were some concerns re the amount of sand we had on hand but Greg, TCS, reckoned we would “just about make it”.  He was spot-on with his estimation.

The Kubota, ready for action

Pretty soon Freebie, Bruce and Ron turned up and off in the cushman, with sand smudger, to smudge the sand into the core holes.

Two, serious workers, ready for a hard day on the greens

Meanwhile, back at the shed 1, Twig and Hugh were hard at work loading the seed and fertiliser into the club ute and organising the spreader.  They headed off, with measuring cups and scales in hand, and began the job of seeding and fertilising each green.

Now, if we press this button, the scale goes back to zero

Once a green had been seeded and fertilised Freebie, Bruce and Ron were back in action for a final smudge and a spot of raking to cover over the seed and fertiliser.

Meanwhile back at the shed 2, Elaine had done a great job of organising the BBQ and sorting out a few cold drinks.  The TCS boys washed down their machinery and everyone enjoyed a chat and relaxed lunch.

Hang on you lot, another five minutes and the onions will be ready

Once the TCS boys had headed off Freebie jumped on to the fairway mower and spent the afternoon basically driving in fairly straight lines.  Tony did a bit of repair work on the entry on the south side of the Rec Centre then began carting soil to the new garden behind the 3rd green before fueling up and loading the Kubota to be back in Kyneton by 4.00 pm.  Hugh and Twig did a spot of re-shaping on the 3rd and 8th greens.  Just before 3.00 pm the twin-steer turned up with 12m of turf sand.  Thanks Jim for your organisation here.

Picking up the cores

The cleaned, cored green

Top dressing a green

Seeding and fertilising a green

The final smudging and raking in of the seeded and fertilised greens

Written by Romsey Golf Club

Romsey Golf Club (RGC) golf course has been at Romsey Park since 1922. We care for and improve the ~80% of Romsey Park that makes up the Golf Course. Currently we have twelve greens and 18 tees. The course ratings are; Blue Tees; Men - Par 72, ACR 72, Slope 124. Women - Par 76, ACR 77, Slope 129. Red Tees; Men - Par 70, ACR 68, Slope 114. Women - Par 71, ACR 73, Slope 119. Indigenous, native trees and bushes are planted to make the park/course more attractive to golfers, community members and native insects, birds, reptiles and small mammals, to provide shade and wind control and for carbon abatement. RGC is a totally volunteer run club. We hold mixed competitions on Wednesdays (9.00 am for 9.30 am hit-off) and on Saturdays (11.30 am for 12.00 pm hit-off). Competition fees are $10.00. Twilight golf runs every Friday (~4.00 pm on) between November and March; $5.00 for golf.